Saint John's Abbey

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Fr. Don's Daily Reflection

Hearing from me about the excitement of a twenty-one-year old (Dave) with his first and well-paying job with a large corporation, the old pro (Bill), a successful thirty-year veteran of four such corporations, expresses some fears and concerns. Is the young man prepared for the long hours they will soon demand of him? Implicit in that question is a question about the inroads this will make into his personal and family life. Is he aware that his ethical standards will very likely be severely challenged at some point? In acutely practical form Bill points to the spots where employment and advancement meet human and interior needs. There seems to be no answer to this except some reference to tired words about determining one's priorities.

There are people who decide that the good of family and human life in general requires that they settle for something less financially rewarding but allowing time with the family. Are there also people who can accept all the challenges and dangers of a high-tech and fast-moving career and somehow integrate that with a good human life? You certainly hope so. Each of us has to make decisions on the basis of some principles and the application of them in our own situation. The overall principles are stated beautifully -- and with a challenge -- in Christ's words: "I bid you put away anxious thoughts about food to keep you alive and clothes to cover your body. Life is more than food, the body more than clothes.... For all these are things for the heathen to run after; but you have a Father who knows that you need them." (Luke 12:22-23, 30)

— Don Talafous OSB

Saint John’s Abbey
Saint John’s University