Saint John's Abbey

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Fr. Don's Daily Reflection - May 9, 2024

Psalm 62: “In you alone is my soul at rest. My help comes from you.”

Seeking signs, miracles, is seemingly as old as the human race. Jesus says: “This is an evil age. It seeks a sign” (Luke 11:29). Despite the particular situation in which he spoke these words, they sound timeless: we still look for signs. Someone says the face of Jesus has appeared on a fridge door and crowds tie up traffic to get there. Others expect some vision of Mary to supplement the Gospels and tell us the exact time of the end of things.

But all the while there are signs and messages being addressed to us in everyday life to which we have become insensitive. In both the suffering and deprivation of some and in the goodness, kindness and generosity of others.

 If we walk down the sidewalks of any large city we are sure to see beggars and other sad cases dotting the way. We have, we do become, hardened to all this. Our TV brings us news stories of war, genocide, starvation, terrible crimes, and we don't cry.

Our movies are often built around killing after killing which becomes—incredible as it is to say—entertainment. We become immune to the impact of poverty, crime and war. Aren't these signs to us? Can we reawaken our sensitivity somehow? Can we at least bring crime, poverty and war before God in prayer and thus show some concern, show that we've got the message? Signs, even miracles, are all around us.

Psalm 27: “I believe I shall see the Lord’s goodness / in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong; / be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord!”

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