Nine Oblates Make Solemn Oblation

Saint John’s Abbey Oblate Program, led by Fr. Michael Peterson, OSB, celebrated the solemn oblation of nine individuals who had studied the Rule of Saint Benedict for the past year. Their public oblation was made before Abbot Douglas Mullin, OSB, the monks of Saint John’s Abbey, and over 80 oblates of Saint John’s Abbey who had gathered for the annual mid-summer retreat at Saint John’s. The nine new oblates join three others who had made their oblation earlier this year.

An oblate of Saint Benedict vows to follow his rule as their station in life allows. This rich spiritual life choice is open to married, single, male, female, and non-Catholic individuals. Saint John’s Abbey is blessed with over 650 oblates from all over the world.

Should you wish to learn more about the Oblate Program, please go to or call 320-363-3022

John Abbey