Lenten Retreat
to Mar 30

Lenten Retreat

The Work of Wisdom

Presented by Dr. Christine Luna Munger, Obl.S.B.

Immersed in the context of our local Benedictine community, we will consider Lady Wisdom alongside Jesus and Benedict. Together we will explore the living stream of presence and activity of Lady Wisdom through the lenses of scripture, theological reflection, and our ordinary lived experiences.  Collectively, we will address how the ways of Wisdom can work on us as we seek to establish rhythms of work, prayer, and leisure that are life-giving.

During our time together, we will participate in communal prayer rhythms with the monastic community; the retreat will also include input from the facilitator, time for personal reflection, small group sharing, and collective spiritual practices such as lectio divina and chanting.

Registration Information

The retreat begins with supper at 5:30 p.m. on Friday and concludes after a Sunday morning conference and optional 10:30 a.m. Mass. 

Cost: single-occupancy room, $250; double-occupancy room, $435; suite, $475; meals included.

To register for this retreat, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at spirlife@osb.org, or register online.

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The Westminster Cathedral Choir of London
4:00 PM16:00

The Westminster Cathedral Choir of London

4:00 pm
Saint John’s Abbey Church

Tickets Now Available

Westminster Cathedral Choir is widely considered to be one of the finest choirs in the world. Since its foundation in 1901 it has occupied a unique and enviable position at the forefront of English church music, not least because of the ground-breaking work of its first Master of Music, Sir Richard Terry, who revived the great works of the English and continental Renaissance composers.

The choir’s fame grew under Terry as it presented this forgotten music, transforming attitudes to the repertoire. Innovation continued under George Malcolm who pioneered the development of the choir’s sound along continental lines, resulting in a choir that was truly revolutionary in both what and how it sang. The choir continues these traditions today, and it remains the only Catholic Cathedral choir in the world to sing daily Mass and Vespers. More recent holders of the post have included Colin Mawby, Stephen Cleobury, David Hill, James O’Donnell, and Martin Baker. Since September 2021, the choir has been directed by Simon Johnson.

The choir’s reputation continues to grow as it reaches new audiences through a series of acclaimed recordings on the Hyperion label, the two most recent being James MacMillan’s Tenebræ Responsories, and the three Masses of William Byrd. In 1998 the choir was awarded the Gramophone Awards ‘Best Choral Recording of the Year’ and ‘Record of the Year’ for the performance of Frank Martin’s Messe and Pizzetti’s Requiem.

The choir has a history of commissioning and performing new music, famous examples being Britten’s Missa brevis for boys’ voices, the Mass in G minor by Vaughan Williams and compositions by Wood, Holst and Howells. Over the last two decades, the choir has commissioned new Masses from James MacMillan, Peter Maxwell Davies, Judith Bingham, John Tavener, Matthew Martin and Stephen Hough, all of which were first performed in the context of the regular liturgies at Westminster Cathedral.

Westminster Cathedral Choir features frequently on radio and television. When its busy liturgical schedule permits it takes its music further afield. In addition to regular concerts around the UK, recent tours have included Hungary, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Italy and the USA.

(Source: westminstercathedral.org.uk/music)

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Triduum Retreat
to Apr 20

Triduum Retreat

Come to Me All You Who are Burdened — the Goal of a Lenten Observance

Presented by Father Eric Hollas, O.S.B.

Jesus calls us to leave behind our burdens and take up his instead.  Despite his assurance that his yoke is easy and his burden light, we still clutch tightly to our own baggage, which has been accumulated over a lifetime.  This retreat will seek to inventory some of the baggage we carry, and learn how to place it in the hands of the Lord.


Reservation Information

The retreat begins with a conference at 4:00 p.m. on Holy Thursday and concludes after a Sunday morning conference and optional Easter Day Mass.

Cost: single-occupancy room, $375; double-occupancy room, $645; suite, $705, meals included.

To register for this retreat, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at spirlife@osb.org, or register online.

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Greg Zelek and Caleb Hudson
3:15 PM15:15

Greg Zelek and Caleb Hudson

3:15 pm
Saint John’s Abbey Church

Caleb Hudson, former trumpeter with the world-famous Canadian Brass for over a decade, will present a concert with master organist Greg Zelek on March 9 at 3:15 PM in the Abbey & University Church. 

Uniting virtuosity and musical sensitivity, Caleb Hudson has carved out a unique space in the world of classical trumpet. A long-standing member of the esteemed Canadian Brass for over a decade, he has captivated international audiences. Caleb, a native of Lexington, Kentucky, earned both his Bachelor and Master of Music degrees from the Juilliard School. The New York Times has praised his artistry as "brilliantly stylish."

In March 2024, Hudson released his debut solo album “Nothing Less,” a testament to the art of ensemble-driven dialogue. Featuring a distinct blend of solo trumpet, violin, cello, flute, and clarinet, the music allows virtuosity and collaboration to intermingle seamlessly. The album introduces fresh compositions by Remy Le Boeuf, Kyle Athayde, and Caleb Hudson himself while also offering innovative takes on classics by Corelli and Philip Glass.

(Source: https://hudsontrumpet.com)

Greg Zelek is among the most exciting young organists in the American organ scene. Praised for his “effortless facility on the instrument,” Greg has recently been hailed as “extraordinary in the classical music world” and a “musical star.” He is the Principal Organist of the Madison Symphony Orchestra and the Overture Concert Organ curator, overseeing all the MSO’s organ programming. Since September 2017, Greg has proudly held the Elaine and Nicholas Mischler Curatorship.

(Source https://www.gregzelek.com)

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Ash Wednesday
7:30 PM19:30

Ash Wednesday

We invite you to join us for the celebration of the Mass in person or live-streamed from the Saint John’s Abbey Church.


7:00 am – Morning Prayer
12:00 pm – Midday Prayer
12:30 pm – Campus Ministry Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes
5:00 pm – Daily Mass and Distribution of Ashes
7:00 pm – Evening Prayer

Watch the Livestream and past Liturgies on our YouTube Channel

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Married Couples Retreat
to Feb 16

Married Couples Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

A Science of Marriage: Practicing Micro-Moments of Daily Recommitment

Presented by Carol Bruess, PhD and President Brian Bruess, PhD

Our marriages are sacred—and they are also verbs. To flourish as a couple we must make daily, intentional choices: each a small but mighty recommitment to our sacred wedding-day promises. According to the best relationship science, micro-moments of turning toward our spouses and creating rituals of connection are among the most significant gifts we can give not only each other, but also our children and grandchildren—the people for whom we are modeling what loving, faithful marriages look like. In this retreat, relationship social scientist Dr. Carol Bruess – along with her spouse of 32 years, Dr. Brian Bruess – will not only share the contemporary, practical science of happy marriages as a sacred practice, they will help you and your spouse learn how investing just a few minutes a day is a profound, ongoing act of paying homage to your marriage vows and thus to each other and your families.

Registration Information

The retreat begins with supper at 5:30 p.m. on Friday and concludes after a morning conference and optional 10:30 Mass. Cost: double-occupancy room, $400; suite, $440; meals included.

Commuter option: There is a commuter option for couples not staying overnight. The suggested offering is $110, which includes all conferences and lunch on Saturday.

To register for this retreat, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at spirlife@osb.org, or register online.

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Winter Retreat
to Jan 26

Winter Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Rule and Monastic Life in Art

Presented by Brother Simon-Hòa Phan, O.S.B.

Brother Simon-Hòa Phan will present his video art on Benedictine topics (such as humility, hospitality, conversatio, and prayer and work), share his view of monastic life and the Rule of Saint Benedict as reflected in his 30 years as a monk and artist, and suggest ways for non-monastics to reflect on their own way of living the call of the Gospel and the Rule.

Registration Information

The retreat begins with supper at 5:30 p.m. on Friday and concludes after a Sunday morning conference and optional 10:30 a.m. Mass. 

Cost: single-occupancy room, $250; double-occupancy room, $435; suite, $475; meals included.

To register for this retreat, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at spirlife@osb.org, or register online.

Presented by Brother Simon-Hòa Phan, O.S.B.

Brother Simon-Hòa holds a graduate degree in film and video from the California Institute of the Arts and has done undergraduate studies in philosophy, theology, and fine arts.  A monk of Saint John’s Abbey, he currently teaches design and video/film at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University and produces documentary films and video art.

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Christmas Eve
9:30 PM21:30

Christmas Eve

We invite you to join us for the celebration of the Mass live-streamed from the Saint John’s Abbey Church.

Christmas Eve Prayer Schedule

7:00 am – Morning Prayer
11:30 am – Eucharist with Midday Prayer
5:00 pm – Evening Prayer (Vigil of Christmas) in the Great Hall
9:30 pm – Christmas Concert in the Abbey Church
10:00 pm – Solemn Christmas Eucharist

Watch the Livestream Here
Watch past Liturgies on our YouTube Channel

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Solemnity of All Saints
7:00 PM19:00

Solemnity of All Saints

We invite you to join us for the celebration of the Mass live-streamed from the Saint John’s Abbey Church.


Thursday, October 31

7:00 PM – VIGIL
The service begins with a sung lesson, followed by a
procession led by the monastic community into the choir stalls.  Those who have difficulty with steps should be seated early.  

RECEPTION follows in the Great Hall.

Friday, November 1

7:00 am – Morning Prayer
12:00 pm – Midday Prayer
5:00 pm – Daily Mass
7:00 pm – Evening Prayer

Watch the Livestream Here
Watch past Liturgies on our YouTube Channel

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A Duo Recital
3:00 PM15:00

A Duo Recital

3:00 pm June 12, 2024
Saint John’s Abbey Church

Free admission; a free-will offering will be received.

Isabelle Demers and Damin Spritzer performing on the Abbey’s Holtcamp/Pasi organ

Dr. Isabelle Demers has appeared in recitals throughout Europe, Oman, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada. She is in continual high demand by her colleagues, as witnessed by performances for numerous regional and national conventions of the American Guild of Organists, the Institute of Organ Builders and International Society of Organbuilders, the Royal Canadian College of Organists, and the Organ Historical Society. She has released multiple CD recordings.

A native of Québec and a doctoral graduate of the Juilliard School, Dr. Demers is an Associate Professor of Organ at McGill University (Montréal, Québec). She was formerly the Joyce Bowden Chair in Organ and Head of the Organ Program at Baylor University (Waco, Texas).


Area Chair and Associate Professor of Organ Dr. Damin Spritzer has been with the University of Oklahoma since 2014. Formerly Adjunct Professor at the University of North Texas teaching Organ Literature and Sacred Music, she continues work with the Cathedral Church of Saint Matthew in Dallas as Artist-in-Residence for Cathedral Arts. For the Organ Historical Society, she serves on the Library Archives Committee, and for the Association of Anglican Musicians, on their editorial board. Previously she has participated with the Board of Directors for the Leupold Foundation, dedicated to the preservation of pipe organ music and culture, and is active in the Dallas and Oklahoma City Chapters of the American Guild of Organists.


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Memorial Day Service
11:15 AM11:15

Memorial Day Service

Saint John's Abbey, Parish, Alums' Cemetery
~ 11:15 a.m.

In honor of our deceased military service men and women, Saint John’s hosts a special ceremony on Memorial Day at the Saint John's Abbey and Parish Cemetery.

 For the three days of the Memorial Day weekend, small United States flags will be placed at each of the 161 veterans’ grave sites at Saint John’s Abbey, parish, and alumni cemetery sections.

A memorial service will be held Monday, May 27th, at 11:15 a.m. at the cemetery. Volunteers from Saint John the Baptist Parish and members of the St. Joseph American Legion will conduct the ceremony, which will include prayer, a roll call of the deceased veterans here at Saint John’s, the playing of taps, and a military gun salute. Everyone is welcome to attend.

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