Lenten Retreat
The Work of Wisdom
Presented by Dr. Christine Luna Munger, Obl.S.B.
Immersed in the context of our local Benedictine community, we will consider Lady Wisdom alongside Jesus and Benedict. Together we will explore the living stream of presence and activity of Lady Wisdom through the lenses of scripture, theological reflection, and our ordinary lived experiences. Collectively, we will address how the ways of Wisdom can work on us as we seek to establish rhythms of work, prayer, and leisure that are life-giving.
During our time together, we will participate in communal prayer rhythms with the monastic community; the retreat will also include input from the facilitator, time for personal reflection, small group sharing, and collective spiritual practices such as lectio divina and chanting.
Registration Information
The retreat begins with supper at 5:30 p.m. on Friday and concludes after a Sunday morning conference and optional 10:30 a.m. Mass.
Cost: single-occupancy room, $250; double-occupancy room, $435; suite, $475; meals included.
To register for this retreat, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at spirlife@osb.org, or register online.