Fr. Don's Daily Reflection - April 6, 2024

Psalm 62: “In you alone is my soul at rest. My help comes from you.”

Some readers enjoy my reflections/blogs recounting visits to San Francisco that seem to revolve around coffee shops and Uber drivers!  Back in semi-rural Minnesota, one has fewer options. But about 5 miles from this university is a town of around 7,000. There one doesn’t have to get one’s coffee from a gas station since the town is home to a unique coffee shop with its own bakery. An assortment of 7 booths, large and small tables and 4 or 5 spots at a bar make for a capacity of around 40 or 50.


Throughout the day a steady stream of patrons comes through the door. The clientele? Local card-players seem to meet daily at 10:30 AM; people coming from Mass at the church across the street (lots of jay-walking); profs from either of the two local colleges; retired teachers and attorneys; students (not too early however); active or retired business people; members of the two (male and female) Benedictine monasteries.

Many patrons stop in to pick up their Latte or Americano and then out the door; others sit and enjoy coffee, freshly baked pastry, conversation and greeting familiar faces. Parents have fond memories of good conversations with their college daughter or son over coffee or tea in this user-friendly atmosphere. Lots of small talk and also serious meetings.

For example: A retired monk-professor (Ger) stopped briefly at a booth where two college students from China, call her Ying, him Ben. (Incidentally, neither is Christian.) Ben is non-stop exuberant, always smiling, very light-hearted, verging on a laugh. He was trying to build a closer relationship with somewhat reluctant Ying. The three sat and had some light conversation.

After Ger left, Ying said to Ben: “Well, if Father Ger thinks you’re a good man, then I’ll be your girlfriend.”  Happy Ben says: “What happened? We were talking about math and all of a sudden she’s willing to be my girlfriend!”  (They are now married.)

For those enjoying a coffee on site their drink can be served in locally made pottery. Greeting cards, also by a local artist, are available from a rack; their originality and wit can hold their own with San Franciscan counterparts.

Daily soups, sandwiches and specials are on a large blackboard. San Francisco coffee shops will have their regulars but there’s always room for anonymity; in this setting anonymity is hard to come by. They say that it’s pretty difficult to get noticed in San Francisco; in this coffee shop you’re bound to be noticed and greeted by a buddy, an acquaintance or a friendly stranger.

Psalm 27: “I believe I shall see the Lord’s goodness / in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong; / be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord!”