ENCOURAGING AND INCREASING monastic vocations is vital to the future of all of Saint John’s, ensuring an ongoing Benedictine presence in the Abbey’s apostolates. Students benefit from the strong moral, spiritual, and principled leadership provided by the presence of monks serving as the schools’ teachers, faculty residents, spiritual directors, administrators, chaplains, and counselors. Parishioners benefit from the pastoral leadership of pastors formed with a biblical and liturgical spirituality. Guests benefit from the hospitality offered by monks and their welcome at common prayer and liturgy. 

To continue promoting good Benedictine stewardship of our woods, lakes, and wetlands, as well as all our goods, and in order that the value of community fellowship and social outreach and responsibility continue to be promoted, the monastic community needs to remain prominent. An Abbey flourishing with new members will help personify and sustain the Benedictine and Catholic character of Saint John’s. 

The effort to bring potential vocations to Saint John’s is a national, even an international, effort. Funds are needed to support vocation personnel, office, travel, and promotional expenses.