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Triduum Retreat
to Mar 31

Triduum Retreat

Art as a Pilgrimage

Presented by Father Jerome Tupa, O.S.B.

This Triduum, join us for a pilgrimage. Not a pilgrimage with miles of walking on well-worn trails but a pilgrimage of the mind and spirit through the medium of art. Art has a fascinating ability to take us on a journey beyond our immediate experience and surroundings, causing us to pause and demanding our reflection. It inspires us to ask about the original object, to look through the art and painting to feel something of that place for ourselves. Thus, as we journey through this year’s Paschal Mysteries, we will let art guide us on this Triduum pilgrimage.

Reservation Information

The retreat begins with a conference at 4:00 p.m. on Holy Thursday and concludes after a Sunday morning conference and optional Easter Day Mass.

Cost: single-occupancy room, $375; double-occupancy room, $645; suite, $705, meals included.

To register for this retreat, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at, or register online.

Father Jerome Tupa, O.S.B. has been a monk of St. John’s Abbey for 59 years. A celebrated artist, teacher, and priest, Father Jerome has spent much of his monastic life producing several collections of paintings, teaching French at St. John’s University, and serving as pastor for local parishes. His travels and artistic gifts have helped him cultivate valuable insights on the spiritual journey.

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Lenten Retreat
to Mar 3

Lenten Retreat

Living Amidst Ambiguity: Fresh Views from the Far East

Presented by Father Edward Vebelun, O.S.B. 

This retreat will take us on the inward journey of self-exploration according to the Benedictine monastic tradition. Conferences will reference the Eastern Monastic Tradition, utilizing the 10 Ox Herding Principles of Zen Buddhism.  As we live in a sea of grace and challenge, we much each cultivate an inner spirit of awareness to how we interpret and react to the world so that we can live freely in all the fullness of what God calls us to.

Registration Information

The retreat begins with supper at 5:30 p.m. on Friday and concludes after a Sunday morning conference and optional 10:30 a.m. Mass. 

Cost: single-occupancy room, $250; double-occupancy room, $435; suite, $475; meals included.

To register for this retreat, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at, or register online.

Father Edward Vebelun, O.S.B. has been a monk of Saint John’s Abbey for 30 years. He spent 12 years serving in the community’s priory in Japan, where he encountered the lived expressions of Eastern Traditions to inform his appreciation of Benedictine Monasticism.  He has since been serving as pastor in local parishes for the past 10 years.

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Married Couples Retreat
to Feb 11

Married Couples Retreat

Wedding Feast at Cana 

Presented by Patrick and Shelly Flynn

Through monastic prayer, journaling, and discussion (along with some fun), we will explore the Apostle John’s account of the Wedding at Cana. Jesus’ first miracle takes place at a wedding feast, illustrating to us the importance of marriage in God’s divine plan. We find there a wedding, the wine, Mary, some stone jars, water, and servants. What do these have to do with Jesus’ first miracle and the centrality of marriage? What does this miraculous event teach us about Jesus, our faith, and our marriage? During this retreat, we will see the many ways God meets us in our commitment to each other in the marriage sacrament. We will examine the places in our lives that, like stone jars, have become hardened by disappointments, worry, or lack of forgiveness. And, we’ll celebrate the fact that Jesus wants to fill us with living water.

Registration Information

The retreat begins with supper at 5:30 p.m. on Friday and concludes after a morning conference and optional 10:30 MassCost: double-occupancy room, $350; suite, $380; meals included.

Commuter option: There is a commuter option for couples not staying overnight. The suggested offering is $105, which includes all conferences and lunch on Saturday.

To register for this retreat, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at, or register online.

Married for 38 years and currently living in Sauk Rapids, MN, Shelly and Patrick Flynn have four adult children. Experienced in ministry, Shelly is the Campus Minister at Cathedral High School in St. Cloud and has a master’s degree in education while Patrick is the director for the Office of Marriage and Family for the St. Cloud diocese and has a master’s degree in theology.

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Winter Retreat
to Feb 4

Winter Retreat

Finding Hope in a Fractured World: A Labyrinth Retreat 

Presented by Emily Wilmer, Obl.S.B. 

Join us at Saint John’s Abbey for a winter respite to ponder: how and where do we find hope in a fractured world?  Drawing on the ancient wisdom of Julian of Norwich, a 14th century Anglican mystic and the reflections of contemporary writers and poets, we will explore the deep journey into hope and its power to provide stability and trust in our challenging world. 

Using a canvas replica of the 11-circuit Chartres Cathedral labyrinth, an ancient sacred path of prayer, we will learn about its history and spirituality and engage our whole selves – body, mind, heart, and spirit – by walking the labyrinth during our time together as well as in open time throughout the retreat weekend. 

Registration Information

The retreat begins with supper at 5:30 p.m. on Friday and concludes after a Sunday morning conference and optional 10:30 a.m. Mass. 

Cost: single-occupancy room, $250; double-occupancy room, $435; suite, $475; meals included.

To register for this retreat, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at, or register online.

Emily Wilmer, Obl.S.B. is a spiritual director, retreat leader and writer of poems.  Her formation in spiritual direction was at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington, DC. She also trained with the Rev. Lauren Artress, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, in the facilitation of labyrinth experiences. She has been in the ministry of spiritual direction and retreat facilitation for 30 years both in the US and the UK.

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