
そして 三位一体ベネディクト修道院


院長  ローマン・パワー


Highlights of Christianity and Benedictine Men in Japan and Trinity Benedictine Monastery 

Roman Paur, Prior, 2016

The monks of Saint John’s Benedictine Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA, made the difficult decision in December 2014 to close Trinity Benedictine Monastery.  This decision was in support of the recommendation of our community in Fujimi based on some clear indications that the monastery was no longer able to sustain itself in Japan for a number of critical reasons:  the members of the community were aging and Saint John’s was no longer able to provide monks from America, no Japanese monk was available for longer term leadership and Benedictine monastic formation, and there is no likelihood of new monastic vocations.

 米国ミネソタ州カレッジビルのセント・ジョンズ  ベネディクト大修道院は、三位一体ベネディクト修道院を閉じるという難しい決定を、2014 年12月に行いました。この決定は同修道院が次のような理由により日本において継続することは困難であると言う明らかな兆しに基づいた私達富士見共同体の勧告を支持することにより行われました。その理由は、共同体のメンバーの高齢化と米国セント・ジョンズ から修道士を派遣することが出来なくなったこと、長期的にリーダーシップを取り、ベネディクトの修道的養成が出来る日本人の修道士が不足していること、更なる召命が見込めないことでした。

The community is phasing down our ministries but we expect to continue our parish service and welcome guests at least into next summer.  We are planning to have a final farewell Mass of Thanksgiving that will conclude our official presence in Japan and will inform you when that is scheduled with an invitation to participate.


Christianity came to Japan in 1549 with the Jesuit priest, Francis Xavier, and Portuguese missioners.  They soon were followed by the Spanish Franciscans and Dominicans.  Saint Francis arrived in Kagoshima on the island of Kyushu at the southern tip of mainland Japan.  The missioners were well-received and over the next 50 years or so there were an estimated 130,000 converts to the faith. 



The conversions, however, increasingly were seen as a threat to national unity.  Prior to the Edo Period (1603-1868) in 1587 the warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi promulgated the “Purge Directive Order” expelling the Jesuits from Japan and persecuting Christians.  Ten years later twenty-six Jesuits, Franciscans and laypeople in Nagasaki were publically hanged, the martyrs honored on February 6th (Saint Paul Miki and Companions). Open Christianity in Japan was dramatically ended in 1612 when the Tokugawa shogunate expelled all European missionaries and executed Catholic converts, beginning a period of the so-called “hidden Christians”. 


Catholicism was officially outlawed in 1622 when 55 more Christians were publically executed also in Nagasaki and another 100 throughout the region in 1639.   The faithful practiced their beliefs secretly until the official restoration of religious tolerance in 1873 beginning with the Meiji Period (1868-1912).  Leading up to restoring religious freedom, Japan had opened its borders to trade with Portugal, Spain, and the Philippines with the arrival of the Matthew Perry expedition in 1853 and the Harris Treaty in 1858 that now permitted foreigners to live in Japan.


Our confreres got their start in Japan in the fall of 1947 when Saint John’s Abbey and the Archdiocese of Tokyo created Saint Anselm’s Priory and Parish in the Meguro district of Tokyo.  The abbey committed itself to this mission initiative at the pleading of Fathers Hildebrand Yaiser and Joseph Schmerbach, the last two remaining monks from a Benedictine settlement begun in 1931 from the Archabbey of Beuron, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. 


By 1936, during this first attempt at establishing the Benedictines in Japan, eight Beuron monks had moved into newly constructed wooden buildings near Chigasaki (Tonogaoka) south of Tokyo.  But the initial burst of growth and optimism began to wane after a few years due to a combination of forces including financial stress, lingering internal disagreements, difficulty in mastering the language, little pastoral outreach, and no vocations -- all combined with heightened external prewar political and social turmoil in both Japan and Germany.  In the winter of 1939, the Beuron community voted to close its Japan mission. Most of the monks joined Beuron’s Korean foundation in Tokwon, a community later devastated by the Korean war.  A few monks left for the Philippines and Brazil.  By 1942 the Chigasaki property had been sold to the Japanese military. 


Soon after the war ended in August 1945, Hildebrand and Joseph (who had stayed in Japan protected by their German and Swiss passports) visited fifteen Benedictine monasteries in the United States, begging for help.  Only Saint John’s offered support, and it was significant.  To reestablish the Benedictine presence in Japan, Saint John’s Abbey, during the leadership of Abbots Alcuin Deutsch and Baldwin Dworschak, provided monks and financial resources to build first the new priory and later the church in Meguro.  


The work of the Meguro priory was primarily pastoral with a rapidly increasing postwar Catholic population of converts especially over the initial twenty years or so.  In addition to serving the new parish that quickly grew to hundreds of families, many non-Christian neighborhood parents also appreciated the interreligious kindergarten facility and program on the property. 

目黒修道院の活動は、終戦後約20年間に急速に増加したカトリックへの改宗者に対する司牧に携わることでした。短期間に数百の家族に成長した新しい教区の奉仕に加えて、近隣の多くの非キリスト者の両親は その敷地内にある宗教的な幼稚園とそのプログラムを高く評価していました。

The Americans in Meguro spent a good deal of their time in language studies, experiencing the challenges and – for most of them – the frustration of trying to learn Japanese.  The language and customs of the house were predominantly English.  Attracting native vocations was disappointing.  In fifty-two years just two Japanese-born men made their solemn profession in Tokyo and stayed, Hidenari Peter Kawamura who died of heart failure in 2013 and Makoto Paul Tada.  The lack of vocations was a big and looming concern for the future of the Benedictines in Japan.


In a series of meetings beginning in the early 1990s during the leadership of Kieran Nolan the community decided with the encouragement of Abbot Timothy Kelly (who envisioned the Japan mission also as providing a window of opportunity for renewed initiatives in China), to conclude its ministry in Tokyo and to move to Fujimi with a focus on Benedictine monastic living, a plan that the monks hoped would eventually attract vocations. 

キーラン・ノーランが指導的立場にあった1990 年代初期に始められた、度重なる会議において、共同体はテイモシー・ケリー大院長  (彼は日本のミッションとして、中国への新しい第一歩を開く窓を提供することを思い描いていました。) の勧めに伴い、東京における司牧を閉じて、ベネディクトの修道的生活に重点を置き、その結果召命が増えるであろうと修道士が希望した計画として、富士見に移転することを決定しました。

With funds realized from the transfer of the Meguro property to the Archdiocese of Tokyo and also from Saint John’s Abbey, the Fujimi property was purchased (orchestrated some years earlier by Br Isaac), Mr Kenjiro Takagaki was contracted to design the new monastery facilities, and construction was completed by 24 May 1999 when the monks moved in.  The monastery was blessed on 20 June.  (The Meguro Church as it’s commonly referred to, continues to serve under the patronage of Saint Anselm, and is home to the Catholic Tokyo International Center.)

目黒の資産を東京大司教区に移転したことにより得た資金とセント・ジョンズ  大修道院の支援によって,富士見の土地を購入し(イサーク修道士によって約12年前から調整されていました。)高垣建次郎氏によって新しい修道院は設計され、1999年に建物は完成し、修道士達が入居しました。(目黒教会は通常そのように呼ばれているとおり、聖アンセルモの保護のもと奉仕を続け,カトリック東京国際センターの拠点です。)

It would be a number of years in Fujimi before the monks began to rebuild the community in examining three critical values: how they lived, prayed and worked together, each presenting significant challenges.  It took another eight years before vocation-seekers would come knocking and stay for awhile. The culture of the place slowly shifted toward Japanese and the Liturgies of the Hours and Eucharist are in Japanese.  We have enjoyed spurts of vocational interest and optimism in Fujimi over the past seven years including simple professions.  Quite a few Japanese men, nearly all converts, have tested our Benedictine life and made simple vows but all have shied away from life-time commitments in Fujimi.  Chinese-born John Chrysostom Long Liting made solemn profession last March and will continue his studies at Saint John’s.

修道士達が、どのように生活し、祈り、共に働くかという、それぞれが意義深い困難を呈する3つの決定的に重要な点について問いかけながら、共同体を新しく造り上げていくために、富士見において多くの年数を費やしました。召命を探る人々がドアを叩き、短期間滞在するまでにさらに8年かかりました。そこでの生活様式は少しずつ日本的になり、共同の祈り、聖体祭儀では日本語が使われています。過去7年の間、富士見における有期誓願を含めた爆発的な召命への関心と楽観的な見通しを楽しみました。かなりの人数のほとんどが改宗者である日本人の若者達がベネディクトの生活を試み、有期誓願を立てましたが、全員が富士見における終世の誓願から退いてしまいました。中国人のヨハネ・クリゾストモ ロン・リーティンは昨年3月に終世誓願を立て,セント・ジョンズで勉強を続けます。

In a country of 127,000,000 people, there may be about 1.5 million Christians, about two thirds of whom are Catholic. Of these perhaps 450,000 are Japanese-born and another 550,000 are foreign resident Catholics in sixteen dioceses.  Current data shows the Catholic and Protestant populations declining along with the number of both Japanese and foreign clergy and religious, a trend that is likely to accelerate. 

人口1億2千7百万人の日本に、キリスト信者は150万人、その3分の2がカトリック教徒です。16の教区の中で45万人は日本人、55万人が外国人滞在者です。 最近の統計的資料によると、カトリックとプロテスタントの信者の人数は、日本人と外国人の聖職者、修道者の減少と同じように減少傾向にあり、その傾向は急速に進んでいるようです。私達の志願者と有期誓願者の状況からも理解できるように、日本においてキリスト信徒になることは、著しく文化にそぐわないことであり、また1人か2人以上の子供がいる家族は非常に少ないことに、私達は気付かされました。

In addition to the daily prayer and work of the monastery within the community, the ministries include the guest apostolate; pastoral service of Thomas Wahl, William Skudlarek and me to the Japanese, Filipino and Portuguese faithful of the Yokohama Diocese in regional parishes as requested, rotating among Sundays; Tony Gorman as a resident chaplain with the Trappist Sisters of Nasu; and spiritual direction, pastoral conferences, and retreats as best we can now with very limited Japanese language capability.  There are about 30 active oblates who participate in two day-long retreats yearly at the monastery.  The updated and expanded monastery website is a resource throughout Japan of awareness and spiritual support.


The monks in Fujimi pretty much do everything in taking care of themselves and guests, and the property: preparing the guestrooms and taking care of the laundry, light physical plant maintenance cleaning and waxing floors, washing a lot of windows, liturgy practice and daily homilies, cooking and baking for the community and guests, mowing the lawns, vegetable and flower gardening, clearing the woods of debris, shoveling snow, lots of it, overseeing the car, travel arranging, accounting, food shopping, banking, and more.

富士見の修道士達は、ゲストの対応、建物、庭の管理などを含めて自分達の生活に必要なことは全て行います: ゲストルームの準備、洗濯、植物の世話、床の清掃とワックス、窓拭き、典礼の司式、毎日の説教、料理と共同体やゲストのためのパン焼き、芝刈り、野菜や花作り、雑木の整理、雪かき、車の点検、旅行に必要な準備、会計、食料の買い出し、銀行の業務など。

Some years ago the monastery initiated a community cultural program, free and open to the public, that has attracted a goodly number of grateful people to the monastery and the city library auditorium for classical piano, organ, koto, and guitar concerts, string ensemble, Gregorian chant masses, and a children’s Christmas event. 


Since 1947 thirty-two monks served the people of Japan in both Meguro and Fujimi.  Our community in Japan is blessed by the Japanese faithful who partner with us in our life and work together carrying the banner of the Gospel.  We are blessed also in bridging a transitional time in Japanese history and the lives of many grateful people.  Our witness together is with success and setbacks and if we can no longer be present as a community in this foreign land and culture as circumstances shift, we know there are many people who are grateful for our time with them as Benedictine monks.  The monks are profoundly indebted to the faithful for their witness of faith, thoughtfulness, and generosity.  We will continue to hold them in our prayers.



Current Monks:  Thomas Wahl, William Skudlarek, Makoto Paul Tada,

Tony Gorman, Liting John Chrysostom Long, Roman Paur, Prior