Prior's Reflections 


三位一体ベネディクト修道院 移転・献堂10周年式辞
2009年6月20日  院長 ローマン・パワー


I.  献堂記念

木立ちに囲まれた私たちの修道院にようこそ! この度の喜ばしい記念式典を迎えることが出来たのは、日本、ヨーロッパ、アメリカからやって来た多くの献身的な人々の約80年近い年月に亘る歴史とヴィジョン、構想、そして祈りによるものです。

















II.  金祝、銀祝者のご紹介












III.  志願者のための祈り



志願者たちが私たちの中でベネディクト会的修道生活を始めるにあたり、彼らの上に神の祝福を願い、共に祈りましょう。聖ベネディクトは、心の耳で聴くようにと私たちに呼びかけています。主のみ声があなたたちに共感と知恵のことばを語りかけてくださいますように。あなたが兄弟と呼ぶ人たちの優しい笑い声を聞くことが出来ますように。   会衆:アーメン


聖ベネディクトは、克己と他者への愛によって、謙遜の最も高い段階に達するようにと私たちに呼びかけています。謙遜の階段を上り、あなた方のうちにおられる神を見出すことが出来ますように。謙遜の行いを通して、あなた方が兄弟的愛の優しさを感じることが出来ますように。   会衆:アーメン





聖ベネディクトはキリストの他には何ものをも選ばないようにと命じています。祈りと聖なる読書の時が、あなた方がキリストをより完全に知る助けとなりますように。修院内で出会う全ての人々の中にキリストを見出すことが出来ますように。    会衆:アーメン


全能の神、父と子と聖霊の祝福がいつもあなた方の上にありますように。    会衆:アーメン


                                                IV.  ご招待





皆様の日ごろのご支援と移転十周年を共にお祝い下さったことに感謝致します。 神の祝福が有りますように。



Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Dedication of Trinity Benedictine Monastery,

Fujimi, Nagano-ken

Prior Roman Paur OSB, 20 June 2009



Welcome to our monastery in the woods!  This very proud and happy celebration is made possible through the history, vision, planning, and prayers of many dedicated people for nearly 80 years who came from Europe, America, and Japan.


Today, with your help, we are commemorating, first, the 10th anniversary of the dedication of Trinity Benedictine Monastery in Fujimi, 1999, the same year Sister Marumori’s provincialate for the Sisters of the Infant Jesus moved to Yotsuya, Tokyo.  Secondly, we are celebrating the anniversaries of five monks’ monastic profession and ordination as priests.   And thirdly, we are officially welcoming four new candidates who have begun a six-month period living with us to decide if they wish to enter the novitiate.


We begin, then, by remembering gratefully the pioneering Benedictine monks from the Archabbey of Beuron, Germany, who came to Japan in 1931 and founded the original community in Chigasaki near Kamakura but it was disbanded in the early 1940s.


We remember the founders of Saint Anselm's parish priory in 1947 from Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA, and the many parishioners of Meguro who witness the Gospel as a church community.


We remember the leadership of the deceased Fathers Hildebrand Yaiser, Joseph Schmerbach, Aloysius Michels, Neal Lawrence, and all the monks who served in the Meguro priory and parish as well as the subsequent priors, there and here, Odo Haas, Patrick Okata, Jim Zaar, Kieran Nolan, Peter Kawamura, and Thomas Wahl.


We are grateful to our architect, Ken Takagaki, who patiently guided the monks on the learning path of planning and designing this magnificent monastery complex; and to Mr Watanabe and the workers of Shibata Construction for their skillful building of our home on this hill among the beautiful mountain peaks overlooking the city.


We wish to express our deepest gratitude to our Benedictine volunteers who help us in many ways. These volunteers include the members of the advisory board who serve with their president, Mr Wada, some of whom are with us today, Dr Furuta, Mrs Satoh, Fr Kunii, Mrs Furuta Suemori, Pastor Froelin, Dr Asakura, Sr Marumori, Fr Ida, pastor, Dr and Mrs Otsuki, Mrs Yazawa, Mrs Tamaki, and many others who give generously of their time and talent and resources and prayers.


We ask God to extend his blessing over all these people as well as our Oblates, Japanese and Filipino members of the parishes we serve, all our families living and deceased, Benedictine Forum, Conference of Religious Superiors, Sisters of the Infinite Jesus, Redemptorists, Passionists, Maryknolls, the diocesan clergy, and the many good people across faith traditions who bless us with their example of witnessing the Gospel and selfless dedication to relational harmony and world peace.



On this occasion also we acknowledge gratefully the monks who are celebrating their special silver and golden jubilees of Benedictine monastic profession and ordination to the priesthood:


Fr Thomas Wahl, 57 years monastic profession, 51 years ordination to the priesthood, and 13 years in Japan.  Born in Saint Cloud, Minnesota, He is our most senior monk, young in spirit and fresh in scholarly learning.  His sourdough bread is a daily breakfast treat.  Fr Thomas, a gentle man with an artist’s eye and learned in languages and sacred Scripture, taught many years on the faculty of Saint John’s graduate School of Theology, founded the Jerusalem Studies program, translated and edited a number of scholarly books on the Bible into English including a commentary on the Hebrew Psalms, and served as prior of this community in Fujimi. 


Fr Kieran Nolan, 55 years monastic profession, 50 years ordination to the priesthood and nearly 23 years in Japan.  Fr Kieran, forever bursting with suggestions, is more Irish than necessary, growing up in the East Bronx, New York, and discovering much of the world through Saint John’s.  He served on the faculty and as an administrator of Saint John’s graduate School of Theology and Seminary, was pastor of the Collegeville parish, and guided this community as prior through the transition from Meguro to Fujimi.


Br Nicholas Thelen, 50 years monastic profession and about 40 years in Japan, perhaps the longest of any monk in our entire history here.  Br Nicholas, from Saint Cloud, Minnesota, has endeared himself to the community and to the faithful not only with his listening ear and generous heart but also by his talented hands in making everything work right, crafting furniture and artifacts, and putting together many community meals.  Br Nicholas is presently at Saint John’s managing some health issues and looking forward to a return visit.


Fr Tony Gorman, 25 years monastic profession.  Fr Tony, who grew up in southern Minnesota, is pretty new to Japan, now in his third year, and is progressing well in learning the language while living this year with the Benedictine Sisters in Muroran beyond Hokkaido. 


Perhaps I can mention that I too, growing up on a farm in northern Minnesota, am now in my 50th year of monastic profession but with limited service to the community in Japan these 5 years.  I am grateful to the monks here and to our many friends for this extraordinary privilege of leadership in support of our monastic mission to show off the Gospel together.


May God extend his blessing on us all, younger and older, Subprior Edward Vebelun, Fr Peter Kawamura, Br Paul Tada, our three novices, Oku, Shimose, and Oka; and our four candidates, Andrew, JC, Takahashi, and Ozawa.  And may God bless everyone gathered here with his abiding love, and make this an inspiring place of peace and spiritual renewal.



We are blessed by the presence of Andrew LAM Hong Ching, John Chrysostom LONG Liting, Conrad OZAWA Yoshimitsu, and Maria Dominic TAKAHASHI Hidenori who have come to live with us as candidates to discern their vocations to the Benedictine monastic life in our community. 


Together let us ask for God’s blessing on these candidates as they begin Benedictine monastic life among us.  Saint Benedict calls us to listen with the ear of our heart.  May the voice of the Lord speak to you words of compassion and wisdom.  May you hear the sound of gentle laughter from the men you will call brothers.  Amen.


Saint Benedict invites us to reach the highest summit of humility through self-denial and love of others.  May the ladder of humility lead you to find the God who dwells within you.  May graceful acts of humility allow you to feel the tenderness of brotherly love.  Amen.


Saint Benedict admonishes us to forgive one another always and to learn from our mistakes in order to enrich our lives and grow better.  May you find encouragement in the example of your brothers for openness and healing.  Amen.


Saint Benedict directs us to prefer nothing to Christ.  May your moments of prayer and sacred reading help you to know Christ more fully.  May you find Christ in all whom you encounter in this monastery.  Amen.


May the blessings of almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, come upon you and remain with you forever.  Amen.



We will be showing a new 25-minute video of the monastery after Mass in the entrance lounge several times in Japanese and in English.  You are invited to tour our monastery with a monk after Mass.  Please join us for a light lunch of salad, pasta, and meatballs. 


As mementos of this anniversary celebration please take with you a new free music CD of the monks singing sacred music commemorating this event.  In addition there are free prints of the Watanabe Saint Benedict and reprints of the original article on the monastery featured in the architectural magazine.  Please visit our gift shop in the entrance lounge.  Thank you for your support and for celebrating with us this today.  God bless!                                   

Prior and Community



三位一体ベネディクト修道院 移転・献堂10周年式辞
2009年6月20日  院長 ローマン・パワー


I.  献堂記念

木立ちに囲まれた私たちの修道院にようこそ! この度の喜ばしい記念式典を迎えることが出来たのは、日本、ヨーロッパ、アメリカからやって来た多くの献身的な人々の約80年近い年月に亘る歴史とヴィジョン、構想、そして祈りによるものです。

















II.  金祝、銀祝者のご紹介












III.  志願者のための祈り



志願者たちが私たちの中でベネディクト会的修道生活を始めるにあたり、彼らの上に神の祝福を願い、共に祈りましょう。聖ベネディクトは、心の耳で聴くようにと私たちに呼びかけています。主のみ声があなたたちに共感と知恵のことばを語りかけてくださいますように。あなたが兄弟と呼ぶ人たちの優しい笑い声を聞くことが出来ますように。   会衆:アーメン


聖ベネディクトは、克己と他者への愛によって、謙遜の最も高い段階に達するようにと私たちに呼びかけています。謙遜の階段を上り、あなた方のうちにおられる神を見出すことが出来ますように。謙遜の行いを通して、あなた方が兄弟的愛の優しさを感じることが出来ますように。   会衆:アーメン





聖ベネディクトはキリストの他には何ものをも選ばないようにと命じています。祈りと聖なる読書の時が、あなた方がキリストをより完全に知る助けとなりますように。修院内で出会う全ての人々の中にキリストを見出すことが出来ますように。    会衆:アーメン


全能の神、父と子と聖霊の祝福がいつもあなた方の上にありますように。    会衆:アーメン


                                                IV.  ご招待





皆様の日ごろのご支援と移転十周年を共にお祝い下さったことに感謝致します。 神の祝福が有りますように。



Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Dedication of Trinity Benedictine Monastery,

Fujimi, Nagano-ken

Prior Roman Paur OSB, 20 June 2009



Welcome to our monastery in the woods!  This very proud and happy celebration is made possible through the history, vision, planning, and prayers of many dedicated people for nearly 80 years who came from Europe, America, and Japan.


Today, with your help, we are commemorating, first, the 10th anniversary of the dedication of Trinity Benedictine Monastery in Fujimi, 1999, the same year Sister Marumori’s provincialate for the Sisters of the Infant Jesus moved to Yotsuya, Tokyo.  Secondly, we are celebrating the anniversaries of five monks’ monastic profession and ordination as priests.   And thirdly, we are officially welcoming four new candidates who have begun a six-month period living with us to decide if they wish to enter the novitiate.


We begin, then, by remembering gratefully the pioneering Benedictine monks from the Archabbey of Beuron, Germany, who came to Japan in 1931 and founded the original community in Chigasaki near Kamakura but it was disbanded in the early 1940s.


We remember the founders of Saint Anselm's parish priory in 1947 from Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA, and the many parishioners of Meguro who witness the Gospel as a church community.


We remember the leadership of the deceased Fathers Hildebrand Yaiser, Joseph Schmerbach, Aloysius Michels, Neal Lawrence, and all the monks who served in the Meguro priory and parish as well as the subsequent priors, there and here, Odo Haas, Patrick Okata, Jim Zaar, Kieran Nolan, Peter Kawamura, and Thomas Wahl.


We are grateful to our architect, Ken Takagaki, who patiently guided the monks on the learning path of planning and designing this magnificent monastery complex; and to Mr Watanabe and the workers of Shibata Construction for their skillful building of our home on this hill among the beautiful mountain peaks overlooking the city.


We wish to express our deepest gratitude to our Benedictine volunteers who help us in many ways. These volunteers include the members of the advisory board who serve with their president, Mr Wada, some of whom are with us today, Dr Furuta, Mrs Satoh, Fr Kunii, Mrs Furuta Suemori, Pastor Froelin, Dr Asakura, Sr Marumori, Fr Ida, pastor, Dr and Mrs Otsuki, Mrs Yazawa, Mrs Tamaki, and many others who give generously of their time and talent and resources and prayers.


We ask God to extend his blessing over all these people as well as our Oblates, Japanese and Filipino members of the parishes we serve, all our families living and deceased, Benedictine Forum, Conference of Religious Superiors, Sisters of the Infinite Jesus, Redemptorists, Passionists, Maryknolls, the diocesan clergy, and the many good people across faith traditions who bless us with their example of witnessing the Gospel and selfless dedication to relational harmony and world peace.



On this occasion also we acknowledge gratefully the monks who are celebrating their special silver and golden jubilees of Benedictine monastic profession and ordination to the priesthood:


Fr Thomas Wahl, 57 years monastic profession, 51 years ordination to the priesthood, and 13 years in Japan.  Born in Saint Cloud, Minnesota, He is our most senior monk, young in spirit and fresh in scholarly learning.  His sourdough bread is a daily breakfast treat.  Fr Thomas, a gentle man with an artist’s eye and learned in languages and sacred Scripture, taught many years on the faculty of Saint John’s graduate School of Theology, founded the Jerusalem Studies program, translated and edited a number of scholarly books on the Bible into English including a commentary on the Hebrew Psalms, and served as prior of this community in Fujimi. 


Fr Kieran Nolan, 55 years monastic profession, 50 years ordination to the priesthood and nearly 23 years in Japan.  Fr Kieran, forever bursting with suggestions, is more Irish than necessary, growing up in the East Bronx, New York, and discovering much of the world through Saint John’s.  He served on the faculty and as an administrator of Saint John’s graduate School of Theology and Seminary, was pastor of the Collegeville parish, and guided this community as prior through the transition from Meguro to Fujimi.


Br Nicholas Thelen, 50 years monastic profession and about 40 years in Japan, perhaps the longest of any monk in our entire history here.  Br Nicholas, from Saint Cloud, Minnesota, has endeared himself to the community and to the faithful not only with his listening ear and generous heart but also by his talented hands in making everything work right, crafting furniture and artifacts, and putting together many community meals.  Br Nicholas is presently at Saint John’s managing some health issues and looking forward to a return visit.


Fr Tony Gorman, 25 years monastic profession.  Fr Tony, who grew up in southern Minnesota, is pretty new to Japan, now in his third year, and is progressing well in learning the language while living this year with the Benedictine Sisters in Muroran beyond Hokkaido. 


Perhaps I can mention that I too, growing up on a farm in northern Minnesota, am now in my 50th year of monastic profession but with limited service to the community in Japan these 5 years.  I am grateful to the monks here and to our many friends for this extraordinary privilege of leadership in support of our monastic mission to show off the Gospel together.


May God extend his blessing on us all, younger and older, Subprior Edward Vebelun, Fr Peter Kawamura, Br Paul Tada, our three novices, Oku, Shimose, and Oka; and our four candidates, Andrew, JC, Takahashi, and Ozawa.  And may God bless everyone gathered here with his abiding love, and make this an inspiring place of peace and spiritual renewal.



We are blessed by the presence of Andrew LAM Hong Ching, John Chrysostom LONG Liting, Conrad OZAWA Yoshimitsu, and Maria Dominic TAKAHASHI Hidenori who have come to live with us as candidates to discern their vocations to the Benedictine monastic life in our community. 


Together let us ask for God’s blessing on these candidates as they begin Benedictine monastic life among us.  Saint Benedict calls us to listen with the ear of our heart.  May the voice of the Lord speak to you words of compassion and wisdom.  May you hear the sound of gentle laughter from the men you will call brothers.  Amen.


Saint Benedict invites us to reach the highest summit of humility through self-denial and love of others.  May the ladder of humility lead you to find the God who dwells within you.  May graceful acts of humility allow you to feel the tenderness of brotherly love.  Amen.


Saint Benedict admonishes us to forgive one another always and to learn from our mistakes in order to enrich our lives and grow better.  May you find encouragement in the example of your brothers for openness and healing.  Amen.


Saint Benedict directs us to prefer nothing to Christ.  May your moments of prayer and sacred reading help you to know Christ more fully.  May you find Christ in all whom you encounter in this monastery.  Amen.


May the blessings of almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, come upon you and remain with you forever.  Amen.



We will be showing a new 25-minute video of the monastery after Mass in the entrance lounge several times in Japanese and in English.  You are invited to tour our monastery with a monk after Mass.  Please join us for a light lunch of salad, pasta, and meatballs. 


As mementos of this anniversary celebration please take with you a new free music CD of the monks singing sacred music commemorating this event.  In addition there are free prints of the Watanabe Saint Benedict and reprints of the original article on the monastery featured in the architectural magazine.  Please visit our gift shop in the entrance lounge.  Thank you for your support and for celebrating with us this today.  God bless!                                   


Prior and Community



80周年記念ミサ説教, 2011年3月21日



80th Anniversary Mass Homily

21 March 2011, Roman Paur OSB, Prior




This celebration marks the passing of time and the blessings of opportunity that these eighty years have given us. Every minute of every day counts and adds up one year at a time.  We can make a difference, each of us, in our small way, to be an important bridge of grace between God and one another.  We pause today in thanksgiving to remember what has been important, the foundations of a faith that dedicated and generous people have laid.  We continue now to build on the enduring history that we inherit and that we too pass on.




We draw our inspiration from the Sacred Scriptures, the Word of God, and from the faithful, the People of God, who show us by your behavior what it means.  For you, the People of God, are the legacy of the Gospel as together we continue to build a community that testifies to God’s love and mercy and our hope and salvation.




What is this bridge of grace between God and us?  Perhaps the question, rather, is who is the bridge of grace?  Of course, the bridge is us.  We have agreed to be the pathway, the bridge, through Jesus Christ, to demonstrate that the Gospel really means something as we practice it on one another in the stories we create together, remember together, and pass on together.




Is it not our stories that connect us as a family and shape our community of faith?  Through our stories we can recount the details of how our paths crossed and what difference it made, and, hopefully, how we are better off because of knowing one another. 




Sometimes we may think, with regret, as we reflect on our stories with one person or another how we might have messed things up and not responded as we should.  At times we may remember, with sadness, that we missed opportunities of learning and growing.  Perhaps we may recall, with pain, the hardships that we needlessly inflicted on another.  Then, too, we might be embarrassed with our lack of generosity and thoughtfulness.  Those details may fade in time, or perhaps overwhelm us.  All that is very much about the Gospel and our need for forgiveness and courage and healing, the mortar of influence that strengthens the bridge and builds respect.




And can we also consider in reflecting on our stories with people how grateful we are for being noticed, the thoughtful gesture that made me feel appreciated, the insightful comment to advance my understanding, the friendly welcome that helped me be open, or the sensitive support that strengthened my resolve?  All that is very much about the Gospel as well and our need for belonging and respect and affection.




We are here together today because of our relationships with one another, because we believe that together we can make a difference and that that difference is our blessing and gift to our world, however small or however big.  May we always be a bridge of God’s loving grace as our stories with each other continue to unfold and make us better by listening with the ears of our heart.




Today we honor especially the men who, over the past 80 years, have dedicated much of their lives creating stories that link them with the people of Japan in sharing the Gospel through the Benedictine tradition.  Each is a bridge of our salvation. Each is a link from the past into the future.  We honor them all and especially our Father Kieran Nolan who soon will be returning to Saint John’s Abbey in Minnesota after dedicating 25 years to generously serving the people of Japan.  We thank you, Father Kieran, for showing us the way and for making us better.  We are grateful also for our blessings through the service of Brother Nicholas Thelen, now at Saint John’s, for his 40 years of service.



Prior’s Reflection, About Time, Roman Paur

TBM Newsletter, October 2014


These thoughts occur to me in the aftermath of my brother’s sudden and unexpected death, a shock that many people may share in common. 




Why does it always amaze me how time seems to fly faster as we get older?  We’re always moving ahead shortening the distance of our uncertain future and lengthening the journey of our complex past.  It should not be a surprise, of course.  It’s just astounding nevertheless, and sometimes perhaps even disturbing, as we see so many things yet to do or wanting to fix or wishing to experience.  And we never know, of course, if we will have the time, for indeed our time is much shorter than most of us may want and all of us expect.  




How blessed we are when we can continue to dream about our future.  We may think we have a lot of time yet for those important things we still want to do.  But our loving Creator may have other plans and cut our time short. In the meantime, though, an ancient tombstone epitaph alerts us to keeping our priorities straight: “What you are I once was and what I am you one day will be”.






Chapter fourteen of Saint Paul’s letter to the Romans provides a perspective that can also help keep us in focus.  The Kingdom of God … is a matter of justice, peace, and the joy that is given by the Holy Spirit.  Whoever serves Christ in this way pleases God and wins the esteem of everyone.  Let us, then, make it our aim to work for peace and to strengthen one another.





Death is a sobering reminder that we don’t always have a lot of time to fix things or make them better, especially at listening carefully to our heart.  And our heart beats a

rhythm of commitment to people and to time – to people by making us better in being more compassionate, more understanding, and more generous, those qualities of caring that give life to our families and communities; and to time by nudging us with a clearer reminder of how precious life is and short the opportunity to improve it for ourselves and for our neighbors.





Prior’s Reflection, Balance

Roman Paur OSB


One of the many bridges between Christian and Eastern Religions is our common quest for balance in our lives, and peace: world peace among nations of radically differing cultures, peace among individuals within countries of unfamiliar beliefs, and peace within our hearts stressed by the challenges of living.


The Gospel provides three standards, also emphasized in the Rule of Benedict, against which each of us can hold ourselves on our path toward peace:  the first is the importance of belonging, the second is the requirement of forgiveness, and the third is the demand that we love one another.  These three – belonging, forgiveness, and love – become the foundations of peace that can stretch from our heart throughout the world, one person at a time reaching out to another: our spouse, our children, our sisters and brothers, our neighbors.


The Gospel and the Rule of Benedict are both realistic and reassuring.  They appreciate human nature and know our weakness.  They encourage us to acknowledge our blindness and hunger for power; they invite us to seek insight and surrender our stubbornness; they reassure us with the confidence of Christ to rely on one another for the critical example of thoughtful living in all our actions that respect life and plant peace.



Prior’s Reflection, People of our word

Roman Paur OSB


The Christian tradition emphasizes the importance of our word, even to the extent of calling Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh!  In the Book of Genesis we read that it is through God’s Word that all of creation came into being:  “God said…and it was so.”  And through his Word, God breathed his spirit of life. 


A primary way we communicate with one another is through our spoken and written words.  We create stories together and we remember people and times by recalling these stories again and again.  Through our stories we keep alive in our memory significant events and precious people.  In a similar way, the Bible records significant events, good and bad, in the history of God’s people that we recall from time to time as a reminder of our sacred heritage that positions us in our living faith.


As with Benedictine monasteries, all human communities rely on language and speech and listening for communication and learning as well as for order and stability.  Our reliable word is the foundation of social structure and the anchor of peace.  If we cannot rely on our word there is chaos.  We must be people of our word in order for society to work, for communities to prosper, and for families to grow healthy together.


Just as through God’s word all life began, now through our word, we show our love for one another.




Prior’s Reflection, Blessing of Tears

Roman Paur OSB


Affection is recorded in many ways: a knowing glance, a warm embrace, a thoughtful note, a friendly voice, a life-long commitment.  Tears, too, can be a profound mark of affection.  They reveal our blessings such as the tears of sadness that come when a loved-one dies, or the tears of joy when we visit a friend, or the tears of gratitude at a thoughtful gesture.


Consider the sad plight of so many lonely and isolated people, surely millions, who can go through life from birth to death without ever experiencing the love of another human being, without ever knowing that someone cares about them, without feeling the assurance of support, or the comfort of tears.


Consider, too, how fortunate we are to know and love people who are special to us, and to be known and loved by them.  And at times our tears of sadness mark the blessings of our affection, of being loved and known and cared about.


Our faith reminds us all the time and in most every way that the meaning of our life is elevated because we know through Jesus Christ that God loves us and that we are to love one another so much that we can cry with them and be filled with tears in their passing.



Prior’s Reflection, Blessings

Roman Paur OSB


Our journey through life from birth to death is unique for each of us.  And we only have one chance at it.


The Rule of Benedict reminds us of the obvious, that this journey can be filled with extraordinary blessings that give us hope and monumental obstacles that weight us down and bring despair.


For Benedict, blessings are to be shared with others and obstacles are to be confronted with others.  We aren’t in it alone.


Benedict emphasizes our need for one another on our journey through life for inspiration, courage, and support. 


The Rule encourages each of us to be a blessing to one another and to rely on each other with openness, learning, and forgiveness, the building blocks of family and community; and the foundation of peace at home and across borders.





共同体コンフェレンス,2012年 8月


Benedictine community living (which is our salvation)

Community Conference, August, 2012, Roman Paur, Prior




The behavior of each monk is the business of the entire community.


前回のコンフェレンスでは、共に祈ることについて話しました。 今回は、共に生活することについてです。


Our last conference was about praying together.  This conference is about living together.




Our spirituality as Benedictines is anchored in the community in which we live, and a peaceful life of relational well-being that all of humanity deserves and that we are both privileged and challenged to create.  It’s ok to be joyful.  It can even be our goal.  Benedict encourages it.  Much about being happy, fortunately, is up to each of us, enlightened by our faith, commissioned by our vows, and inspired by our extraordinary opportunity here in Fujimi.  So let’s not waste time.  Our path of salvation is with one another.   If we think otherwise, the Benedictine life may not be our calling.  The focus on building a community is not incidental in the Rule.  It is essential, primary, and relentless.  And it requires openness, reflection, and prayer on a path blessed with discerning, discovery, and often times, surprise.




Benedict makes a big deal about working daily on getting along with one another in the community, always showing our respect, becoming increasingly more responsible, and seeking God not in isolation but with the help of our brothers.  There are many admonitions in the rule that emphasize this:  each monk is to be treated fairly; special attention is given to the elderly and sick; there is an important focus on learning; it is necessary for monks to deal with disputes and conflicts honestly


and directly with one another if at all possible and to be forgiving; monks are to vie with one another in showing good example.  And the list goes on:  being thoughtful in the use of monastery goods and tools; recovering from failure, honoring one another always; asking and receiving help as needed; being patient with one another’s differences, having healthy nutrition; maintaining a balance of prayer, work, and leisure; providing seasoned advisors and helpers for spiritual guidance; and showing an attitude of humility in developing and sharing one’s talents.  And there are more.




So, we are not a hotel filled with people each minding his own business.  We are people committed to live and pray and work together with a superior for the sake of one another as our foundation on which we build and repair the Kingdom of God.  This is our salvation.  This is the pathway that we chose: to be together respectfully and to rely on one another hopefully.  This fundamental attitude of the Rule may be best summarized in Benedict’s own words: “listen with the ears of your heart”.




All of our prayer and education and work and commitments are built on the foundation of community: hospitality, priestly ministries, teaching, spiritual guidance, recycling, cooking, gardening, cleaning.  And the community provides the learning to grow into loving one another as a measure of our love of God.  So, we love God as much as we love one another!  Our task as Benedictines, therefore, is to build up, not to tear one another down; to encourage, not to make fun of limitations or weaknesses; to support, not to shame or embarrass; to embrace, not to judge; to forgive, not to hold resentment.  Remember, any thoughtless fool can make us feel bad.  It take a real man or woman to help us feel good, to make us want to belong; to give us encouragement to try harder; to become more giving; to be happy.


ベネディクトは、共同体が第1の最も大切で、私達の生活の課題であることを、戒律のなかで、賢く言い表しています。 先ず、私達は公民でなければなりません。その上で、祈るべきです。彼は勿論、聖書、修道的洞察、教会の(師母達と)師父達の知恵など、私達を導く文書と一致した考えから始めました。そこで、戒律の中に説かれていることの殆どは、共にあゆむこと、 尊敬を表すこと、秩序正しく責任を重んずる事、寛大で思いやり深いこと、変化への刺激となり、福音が世界にとって重要なものであり、聖霊の貴重な賜物は私達の行動を通して輝くことを、世に示すことです。お互いに共に生きる生き方によって、私達の神への愛を強めて行く為に、努力を続けましょう。


Benedict was smart in his Rule to keep the community as the primary focus and challenge in our lives.  First we must be civil.  Then we are to pray!  He starts, of course, with identifying the documents that guide us: sacred scripture, monastic visionaries, and the wisdom of church (mothers and) fathers.  Much of the discussion in the Rule, then, is about getting along, showing respect, becoming orderly and responsible, being generous and thoughtful, building incentives for change and showing the world that the Gospel really matters and the precious gift of the Holy Spirit glows through our actions.  Let us continually strive to increase our love for God by how live with each other.




2011年4月24日 復活の主日

Easter Sunday Homily, 23 April 2011


Roman Paur OSB, Prior


This Mass on Easter Sunday morning anchors our belief as a community of faith in the risen Lord.  We just completed our walk with Jesus through his agonizing passion, crucifixion, and death on the cross.  He carried the cross through the city of Jerusalem suffering ridicule and torture.  His disciples hid themselves out of fear and despair while Jesus died and was buried.
But then the cruel story changed.  He has risen from the dead!  We believe he has risen.
On Holy Thursday the hard lesson is about humility and our learning is about service.  On Good Friday the hard lesson is about generosity and our learning is about sacrifice.  Today, Easter Sunday, the hard lesson is about love and our learning is about hope.


It is not easy but we do not give up.  We believe.  We are a people of hope.  But there is a lot of work ahead.
We know pain.  Each of us knows suffering, at least a little, sometimes deeply.  We may hurt from misunderstanding or illness or death.  We try to identify with the agony, the way of the cross, of the many victims in Japan who survived the earthquakes, tsunami, and nuclear radiation, those whose loved ones were killed, whose property was washed away and who are left with nothing.  We feel for the victims of the earthquakes in Haiti and Pakistan and other third world countries who continue to suffer as they struggle to recover.  At the same time we are horrified that ruthless and greedy rulers exploit their people and control them with fear.  We hear of pain and loss and abandon in many places, near and far.

Our hard lesson of Easter Sunday and the Resurrection is about love that obligates us with each other to reach out, to sacrifice also, and help in every way we can to give hope.
So what comes next?  Jesus, the risen Lord, began to show himself, first to the women, then to people on the road, and finally to his frightened apostles and disciples.  He even had to force Thomas to believe by having him touch his wounds.  Then he admonished us:  Blessed are those especially who believe even when they do not see!

Let us, then, persuade others of our belief by showing them our faith in action in whatever we do.

アレルヤ  Alleluia.



Newsletter Prior’s reflection, Forgiveness

Roman Paur OSB


The path of affection is full of surprises much of the time starting with the beginning, falling in love.  What adjectives fit best? Wonderment? Obsession? Thrill? Meaning?  Those emotions of attraction can give way also to misunderstanding, hurt, confusion, doubt. 


Perhaps among the most difficult challenges of any friendship is forgiveness.  Forgiveness comes often at a very high price: our pride, our honor, and our need to be right or in charge.  But our willingness to learn to forgive can be a measure of our love and commitment.  Forgiveness is the balm that heals relationships by demonstrating respect, deepening trust, and encouraging learning.


In his Rule for monks, Saint Benedict makes a big point of forgiveness.  He says that if there is a need to work out a problem with someone, the monk should take the initiative and seek reconciliation, and only then get on with his prayer and work. 


Saint Benedict knew very well how relational wounds can fester and problems get worse if they are not taken care of soon.  We may find wisdom here in all our relationships of love and duty and in family and country. 




Prior’s Reflection, Gift of Life

Roman Paur OSB


Spring is here.  Nature is again renewing itself through the cycles of new life.  The grass is green.  The trees are leafed out and flowering.  The air is warmer.  We can once again leave the cold behind.  It is the season of the Resurrection, a time of hope, a gift of salvation.  But often it’s hard to forget the pain and suffering, the disappointment and despair, the anger and blame of yesterday.  It’s not so easy to let go of all that when we’ve been terribly hurt and when our faith fails us when we most need it.


Life often dishes out profound sadness.  People are devastated by disasters of nature such as earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis that they have very little control over.  We may have to confront cancer or heart failure and other crippling diseases.  Sudden personal tragedy may leave us feeling helpless such as slipping on the ice and breaking bones, being crippled or killed by a reckless driver, and accidents that paralyze us. We can suffer from business failure, or, perhaps worst of all, serious misunderstanding, discord or alienation within the family or among friends.


Our lives are fragile, indeed, and especially so if we are not alert.  This is not to instill fear but to remind us to do our part in strengthening one another with our support, encouragement, and with our affection and faith that brings comfort as well as courage.  To whom can we turn in our time of special need?  Can others rely on us?  Our faith can be both tested and shared in tragedies that change us.  Can the pain and despair of Good Friday, in due time, also become the joy and hope of Easter Sunday? 



Prior’s Reflection, Gifts

Roman Paur OSB


Gifts, big or small, costly or modest, are rooted deeply in the Japanese culture.  To be Japanese is to be carrying a present!  Gifts are especially meaningful when they symbolize thoughtfulness and gratitude.  They can express the affection between people and savor the endearing presence of friends long after they have separated.


Among the greatest of gifts, of course, are the sacrifices we make for one another, driven by compassion, that can improve lives, give someone a needed boost, and expand our imaginations to do better or work harder or love more.  The Beatitudes of the Gospel provide a model of gift-giving in which we share out of God’s loving abundance the grace that is given us.


Our monastery is honored to receive some extraordinary special gifts, three young men who have begun their year-long novitiate period of discerning their monastic vocation as Benedictine monks.  They have been living with us for months already as candidates but they received their monastic habits on 21 November.  These three talented men, Shimose san, Oka san, and Oku san, are enriching our community with youthful energy, eager learning, and thoughtful help. 


We invite you to join with us gratefully in praying that these Japanese newcomers continue to grow in their monastic zeal toward profession of simple vows next 22 November that in all things God may be glorified.





Reflection, Good Friday

Roman Paur OSB, Prior


2011年4月22日  22 April 2011




Nearly four months ago we were celebrating the birth of Jesus and, perhaps, unwrapping a few Christmas gifts from family and friends.  Today we are reminding ourselves what that joyous day was all about in the life of Jesus and in our commitment as Christians.  Good Friday is the most solemn day of the Christian year.  In itself, it is a day of profound disbelief, disappointment, and fear. 




Jesus’ disciples really didn’t seem to get the message.  They were holding out for Jesus to be a majestic ruler, a real king of all kings.  But the details of the story weren’t adding up to that.  Born in a stable among the farm animals?  Riding into Jerusalem on a donkey?  Not defending himself before Pilot?  And now tortured and hung on a cross to die as a common criminal?  And crying out, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they’re doing!”




Today the hard lesson is about generosity and our learning is about sacrifice.




Japan continues to be shaken by the earthquakes and their expanding devastation.  They remind us how fragile life is, and property.  Not just in the abstract.  Perhaps people we know and love have died, or their families, and their property and belongings all washed away.  And the Japanese people keep on showing us their deep generosity and capacity for sacrifice in reaching out to one another.  The lesson of Good Friday to remember, the day God died for us, is that the gift of life, however fragile, is to be shared with others even as it may hurt the most.  Our life can be their salvation for through Jesus we have become a redeeming people.  We can turn disappointment and fear into hope and love. 



Prior’s Reflection, Hope

Roman Paur OSB


There are many examples of people throughout history who are models of the basic message of the Gospel.  That basic message is to love one another as God has demonstrated his love for us through Jesus Christ.   The message lived gives us hope.  Each of us may have our favorite saint, whether canonized or not, the Virgin Mary, Saint Benedict, Pope John XXIII, Mother Teresa, the Holy Martyrs of Japan, etc.  They inspire us and give encouraging strength, perhaps especially, when we fail. 


As Christians we are all called to be witnesses of the Sacred.  That is, we are called to show the world by our behavior what the Good News of the Gospel really means.  And the Gospel works in many ordinary ways such as a smile, a gesture of appreciation, a helping hand, a willingness to forgive, or giving food or clothing to someone in need.  And when I do it, other people can copy me.  That’s what being a model is all about.  That’s also the stuff that can build hope, the basic message of the Gospel at work; the action that demonstrates our love; the building blocks of God’s kingdom.


The monks of Trinity Benedictine Monastery are very grateful for your response to my recent letter inviting your support for our three novices, Oku san, Shimose san, and Oka san.  Your generosity of prayers and financial contribution provide the means for their on-going spiritual formation as they continue to discern their vocations and enliven our community with their energy, talent, and commitment.




Prior’s Reflection, Newsletter November 2012

Roman Paur OSB



The most common, and without doubt, the most difficult challenge for us as human beings and as baptized Christians, is our vocation as wives and husbands, and as parents.  You get the prize!  Parenting for Christians is about bringing forth new life, new human beings into the light of the Gospel. 





And what is the light of the Gospel that Benedict, too, emphasizes?  I would say to recognize our dependency on God and one another.  Furthermore I would add to be decent and faithful, mutually loving people who can live peacefully together because they show respect, demonstrate patience, invite forgiveness, and value learning.  




Parents know the hardships, the pain, the frustration, and the disappointment.  Failure comes easy and success is hard to measure.  Hopefully parents also can feel the satisfaction and pleasure from their efforts and can rely on the Gospel as their Guide.




The vocation to monastic life may have similar challenges.  However, when more is given, more is required. 



Very often, especially with adults new to their faith, they are attracted to monastic spirituality and the liturgy but as they learn from their first hand experience what it takes to live in a community, their initial enthusiasm fades and they leave.  It’s ok.  They benefit from their experience and appreciation of the life-long values that the monastic tradition affirms as standards for living in making their future.




Hopefully the path into their future will be enriched by their experience of living in the monastery for a while and learning of those Benedictine values that are a pathway to God of human respect, community sensitivity, thoughtful listening, responsible commitment, and service in the ministry of the Church. 




Whether lay people or monks, I believe that it is by our personal example, above all, that we preach and teach the message of the Gospel best, much less so through the words that come out of our mouths and even by the structures and directives of the Church! 




Saint Francis of Assisi is attributed to having said, “we must preach all the time, and sometimes even with words!”  The most credible preaching is by how we live our lives that demonstrates what is important to us, what we really believe, and whether or not our faith makes a good difference.






Conference: Prayer, Private and Public, May 2012

Roman Paur OSB, Prior



2012年5月 ローマン・パワー院長


Private Prayer


A description of private prayer that is especially meaningful for me is thinking of it as an attitude of confidence in a commitment of love.  The standards are high and the stakes are daunting:  attitude and confidence and commitment and love.  Attitude has a lot to do with expectations.  Confidence is rooted in our faith.  Commitment is about a life-long investment.  Love excites our passion. Personal prayer may be thought of simply as a desire for God, as St Theresa puts it, and at its best, perhaps a preoccupying alertness.   Mystics and poets often use sexual imagery of luring capture such as in the Song of Songs. They describe intense prayer states as a kind of illness, a longing love-sickness, that seeks relational acknowledgement and response in the presence of another, or hunger and depravation in its absence, as disclosed in the Mother Theresa letters.  We may also strengthen our personal prayer with such devotions as the Rosary and litanies or Stations of the Cross or other texts that also may be lectio divina.






Private prayer, then, is highly personal and can be awkward or clumsy.  It’s expressive.  It may be emotional.  It wants release.  And if we’re really lucky we can actually feel in our heart of hearts that we’re being heard.  And what was personal and private we may at times want to be shared in public, praising together in the best way we possibly can.  So this desire for God, our personal prayer, invites even greater expression, the primary one in our Benedictine tradition being public prayer or the Divine Office.  This can make sense only if the fruit of our personal prayer, our desire for God, shows off the Gospel in how we live together and love one another.






Public prayer or the Divine Office, on the other hand, is a thing of beauty, a point of inspiration, and a time of uplifting praise to shore up the spirit, build up the community, and chop up the day.  Clearly public prayer is important as a community commitment of every monk and the presence of each of us is expected unless, by exception, otherwise detained.  Public prayer, the Divine Office, is the grateful voice of community praise.  It is the local church expressing gratitude.  It nurtures personal prayer.  But it imposes demands.  Unlike personal prayer that is spontaneous and anytime, common prayer is scheduled and structured.





The purpose of public prayer is threefold:  1) Praising God gratefully, 2) inspiring the faithful profoundly, 3) nurturing our spirituality daily:  praise, inspire, nurture.




Public prayer is the primary reason why we are in Japan.  Our mission statement reads, “…The monastery serves the Church of Japan as a praying community. ...”




Our community prayer here in the monastery has improved very much over the past six years especially with the help of Fr Gus Kuni and Br Paul Richards. They emphasized especially the importance of clear diction and projection of the voice in proclaiming the readings.  They also underscored the importance of proper breathing in our singing and reciting of the psalms.  Both also urged us to practice regularly to stay on pitch, know the music and the page, and sing as with one voice.  We made a lot of progress but it is important that we not take our chanting for granted.  It is our first order of business that we demonstrate that in fact public prayer is our priority by preparing well and be inspiring.




Public prayer is the universal Church in praise, however localized.  But, unlike private prayer we cannot just do what we want.  We follow a script.  It has rules.  There is a set time and format.  There are prescribed texts.  All this spells diligence.  Just as we wouldn’t think of playing an instrument that is out of tune at a concert performance or singing in a choir without practice, so must we also expect of ourselves that our preparation reflects our desire to pray together as well as we can to praise, to edify and to nurture.  Shoddiness is a commentary on the real value we place on our prayer.  If we practice well and still make a mistake it may be tolerable.  If we don’t practice and blunder it is inexcusable. 





Public prayer like an orchestra concert, has a lot of nots.  It is not a forum for personal expression.  We can’t just do as we please.  It is not a time to practice singing or reading.  It is not a place for arbitrariness.  It is not something to do with time on our hands.  It demands presence, unison, and a commitment that does not expire.  It challenges the community members to do our best.  Praying the Divine Office requires attention and preparation.  In expressing the spirituality of a place, therefore, less better is greater than more worse.  Inspiring boring familiarity is richer than uneasy awkward stumbling.  Common prayer demands only what we are capable of giving, very simple or quite elaborate, but always deliberate and inspirational.  If common prayer is not done to our ability it should not be done at all because, as a public demonstration of gratitude for our blessings, negligent compromise casts an unnecessary shadow on the Gospel and jeopardizes the recycling of grace by showing our guests, for example, that prayer is not important.


公共の祈りはオーケストラの演奏会のようなもので、沢山のしてはいけないことがあります。まず、個人的気持ちを表現する集まりではありません。自分たちの気に入るままには、出来ないのです。歌や朗読の練習の時間でもありません。勝手気ままに行う場所でもありません。余った時間で行うものでもありません。参加、調和、そして期限のない献身が要求されます。共同体全体が最善を尽くすことが求められます。神の業を唱えることは注意と準備が必要です。その場の霊性を表現されるため、量より質がより重要です。 感銘を与えるマンネリ化の方が、ぎこちなく、間違いだらけのものよりも、内容が豊富です。共同の祈りは、非常に簡素なものであれ、優美なものであれ、私たちが与えることが出来るもののみを要求しています。しかし常に細心の注意と感銘を与えることが必要です。もし共同の祈りが私たちの能力のレベルに達していないならば、まったく行われるべきではありません。なぜなら、私たちが戴いている恵みを公の場所で感謝する行為であることから、



It is beneath our tradition to be satisfied with anything less than what we are capable of doing that compromises our priority and cheats our guests while robbing us of the extraordinary grace of public praise. 




Again, the purpose of common prayer is threefold:  1) Praising God gratefully, 2) inspiring the faithful profoundly, 3) nurturing our spirituality daily:  praise, inspire, nurture, the most important reason why we are here.





Trinity Benedictine Monastery: Living a Prophetic Community

30 December 2010, Roman Paur







When Edward asked me to offer some reflections on a topic for a few minutes it occurred to me that prophecy would be a good topic to choose because it’s very important and all I know and think about it can easily be said in a few minutes.





Sprinkled throughout Church history are illustrations of a prophetic grace of monastics.  We may not see ourselves as prophets or the monastery as prophetic but as we know also from some of the prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures who vehemently resisted their calling, God is not about to be intimidated by our protests and can be quite persuasive in spite of ourselves.




So what is prophecy anyway?  In the Scriptures, at least we know what prophecy is not:  it is not about forecasting the future.  Prophets also are not messengers of Church leadership.  They are not ecclesial spokespersons or political voices.  They are not monitors of institutional compliance.  So what are prophets and what is prophecy and why is prophecy such a big deal and what does it have to do with us? 


では一体預言とは何でしょうか。聖書を見る時、少なくとも何が預言ではないかを知ることが出来ます。それらはまず未来を予見することではない。預言者たちは教会指導者たちの伝言者ではないこと。キリスト教会の報道官や政治的意見ではないこと。組織が法を遵守しているかどうかの監視ではないこと。それでは預言者とは何者であり、預言とは何であり、預言が重要であることの理由、さらに私 達とどんな関係があるのでしょうか。


Can prophecy be about discovery, about opening the door to the awareness and wisdom of God?  If so, then prophets may be the gatekeepers, people selected by God to reveal or illumine his pathways.  What if we thought about prophets as those chosen to inspire people to open their hearts to God’s Word?  This would fit also quite nicely into the Christmas liturgy as we give homage to the “Word made flesh.”





Let’s stick to this thought for awhile and see where it can lead us: Prophecy is about inspiration and prophets show the way, God’s way.  Is this our role as monastics in Fujimi, a blessing to the people of Japan?





Can we forget about prophecy as guessing about our future, but rather, making the present what it should be: inspiring.  To inspire can mean to “fill up.”  Our challenge may be to fill ourselves with a faith that increases our love and builds our community.  Prophecy, then, can be to see what we are looking at, to hear what we are listening to, to absorb what we are experiencing, to participate in what we are involved with – all as fully as possible, and a little more.  To see; to hear; to absorb; to participate.





For many of us, such attention doesn’t come easily.  It requires practice in setting the bar higher and working all the time toward our realistic goals.  This means that it’s not just that we don’t notice that the light bulb needs replacing or the floor needs dusting, or the doors should be closed, or that we pick up after ourselves.  It means that we allow ourselves to participate in the experience of living with the passion of our expanding hearts, the keenness of our trained senses, and the courage of our deepening commitment to show our care for one another and to demonstrate God’s love.





Prophecy, then, can be about beauty, expressing the beauty of who we are in what we do.  It’s about our living together here in Fujimi in this monastery today for our own sake and that of the people of Japan.  Developing a self-conscious sense of spiritual aesthetics: sacred expression by sacred people of a sacred charge, and especially, the beauty of liturgical worship and praise with one voice in a special place all together.





Can our role as monastics in the prophetic tradition be about seeing, hearing, saying, and doing, not just getting something over with, but expressing the highest form of praise that requires presence, attention, practice, and care, focusing always on making the present better that, by the way, may also  foretell the future.  Prophecy applies to our lives as an attitude of gratitude that nudges us always to be better in the details of our commitments of who we are and what we do.





Prior’s Reflection, Renewal

Roman Paur OSB


As I write this message the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in Tokyo and we in Fujimi are looking forward to their bursting beauty in a few days.  The annual delights of cherry blossoms are extraordinary reminders of the abundance of God’s blessings.  They also remind us of the grace of our faith so freely given and so full of beauty.


Spring is a time of renewal of life emerging from the fertile soil of God’s creation.  The Easter Season also fills us with the abundance of grace to enrich our lives and to guide our behavior.


The Rule of Benedict shows a deep reverence for nature and Benedictines are known world-wide for their tradition of stewardship of the environment.  New birth heralds not only delicate and vulnerable life but also renewed hope and challenges each of us to grow in our faith and show our love.




Seeing together in the Benedictine community



Community Conference, November, 2012, Roman Paur

ローマン パワー、共同体コンフェレンス,2012年 11月


Seeing what we are looking at:

 the aesthetics and obligation of living in a community




Our last conference was about working together.  This conference is about seeing together.



Benedict emphasizes repeatedly in the Rule the importance of orderliness, cleanliness, and thoughtfulness among the list of requirements for better community living.  He sees these as essential for getting along with one another because they show that we respect both ourselves and others; that we care about our place; and that we really believe in hospitality.   It is very important that we take care of our place for our sake as well as the requirements of welcoming others and for creating a peaceful space in our hearts to nourish our ministry.



Traditional Japanese culture shows a profound reverence for the beauty of simplicity of life and aesthetic order.  We are to take care of our home and watch over our “peaceful place of renewal”.  This place is ours together on our journey through life and it requires our attention and dedication as the pathway we chose of our salvation. 



Seeing what we are looking at is a call to care about it, to notice that it needs our help. “It” is the place we live in and welcome others to share in.  Seeing what we are looking at is a call to action, an invitation to take an initiative; and is an important part of Opus Dei.  This is about the details of living in community. 

目の前のものに気づくこととは、それを大切に思い、私達の働きを必要としていることに、気を配ることです。「それ」は、私達が住むところ、他の人々に分かち合うところです。目の前にあるものに気づくとは、行動に呼ばれていること、率先して行うことへの導き、そして、Opus Dei (神の仕事)の重要な部分です。これは、共同体の生活における、細かい点についてです。


Let’s look at some ordinary examples (and there are likely many more), all of which are also about our “spiritual life” as Benedictines:




When we see

. the light bulb flickering or burned out, change it;


. the paper hand towels in the bathroom are low, replenish them;


. dead insects by the lamp on the buffet near the meal tally sheet, clean them up;


. the last of the toilet paper, replace it;


. the pantry is dirty, clean it;


. the toaster and tray need cleaning, do it;


. crumbs left on the buffet, wipe them up;


. the tables are dirty, wash them;


. the floor needs dusting, dust it;


. the garden needs weeding, weed it;


. the outdoor hospitality lighting isn’t working, get them to work;


. dirt on the floor, clean it up;


. washed clothes in the washing machine, put them in the dryer;


. clothes in the dryer, wait until they are dry before replacing them with yours;


. dish cloths and towels to be washed, put them in the pantry and replace them;


. the liquid dishwashing soap container needs refilling, refill it;


. the powder dishwashing soap container needs refilling, do it;


. debris left behind in the copying room, clean it up;


. my room is in disarray, put it some order;


. my room needs cleaning, clean it;


. guests looking like they may need help, offer to assist them;


. the prior is upset, calm him down;


. a confrere is not feeling well, be supportive;


. a confrere may need help, offer to help;


. excess gifts of garden produce and fruits, give them away;


. generous benefactors bring us vegetables, use them soon;


. lawn needs mowing, mow it;


. hand tools in the blue shed are used, bring them back and put they away;


. garden tools of all kinds are used, clean them up and put them back immediately;


. the flowers and plants need watering, water them;


. car needs gas, fill it; 


. cobwebs are expanding, sweep them away;


. fireplace floor area is dirty, clean it up;


. celebrant’s vestment is messed up on him, straighten it out;


. something is broken, fix it.


. an emergency, respond with an open and generous spirit





Prior’s Reflection, Timothy Kelly


Roman Paur OSB, 10 August 2010


Recently Abbot Timothy Kelly, former Abbot of Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville, and two-term Abbot President of the American Cassinese Congregation, learned that he has cancer of the esophagus.  The cancer has spread throughout his lymph system.  He has initiated reasonable medical procedures but Abbot Timothy knows that his life is shortened now.  He is up and about as he courageously confronts this invasion of his health with a positive attitude and reassuring faith. 


We celebrate Abbot Timothy’s life that is a blessing to many over a long time around the world, a life of faith in witnessing the Gospel, a life of service in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, and a life of example in demonstrating the healing love of God.


We Benedictine monks in Fujimi are especially grateful to Abbot Timothy for his unwavering support of our commitment in Japan, for his strong encouragement of our monastic witness and service both in Meguro and in Fujimi, and for his leadership in partnering also with the emerging Church of China.


Important people come and go, live and die, emperors, popes, presidents.  But we are especially grateful to Abbot Timothy, a giant among us, whom we can call by name and recognize as a friend.   This humble man has dedicated his life to building bridges among peoples and within communities.  These bridges continue to be strengthened as lifelines of learning and understanding, tolerance and respect, forgiveness and peace.  


Abbot Timothy’s living legacy challenges each of us in our short time on earth to live a life of grace with one another, to be a blessing that gives us hope and reassurance in our daily struggles, and to take the visionary lead in making our worlds better, starting at home. 


Thank you, Abbot Timothy.  We are praying for you.




Prior’s Reflection, Roman Paur OSB

1 January 2011

Tribute to Father Kieran Nolan and Brother Nicholas Thelen


The eighty-year old story of the Benedictine men and women in Japan begins in Germany and in America.  Generous and dedicated people arrived in this beautiful country and immersed themselves in learning the Japanese culture and language.  Their mission was to demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in community life, prayer, and work. 

The present twelve monks of Trinity Benedictine Monastery live in the blessings of those who have gone before us in building the community tradition over the years first in Chigasaki near Kamakura (1931), then in Meguro – Tokyo (1947), and now in Fujimi (1999).  Some of the monks, all deceased, stand out in their leadership and work including, for example, Fathers Bernard Happle, Hildebrand Yaiser, Joseph Schmerbach, Aloysius Michels, Odo Haas, and Neal Lawrence.

This tradition of courage and example also includes two monks who are concluding their service in Japan, Father Kieran Nolan and Brother Nicholas Thelen.

This January Father Kieran completed his 25th year in Japan.  As prior of Saint Anselm’s parish priory in Meguro Fr Kieran oversaw the relocation of the community from Tokyo to Fujimi, an extraordinary challenge of learning and transition.  The critical reason for this decision was to strengthen the priority of Benedictine community life and prayer in order to attract new vocations and extend the Benedictine presence in Japan.  The resolution of the parish property, designating an architect, designing and constructing the new monastery, and leaving Tokyo each had enormous challenges that Fr Kieran coordinated with the help of his brothers.

Over the years Fr Kieran has endeared himself and been a blessing to many who are grateful for his pastoral care, personal thoughtfulness, spirit of generosity, and example of service.  For reasons now especially of health and because of advancing Parkinson’s, Fr Kieran has requested to return to Saint John’s Abbey this Spring.  He is truly an inspirational blessing to the monks of this monastery and the people of Japan. 

            When Fr Kieran arrived in Tokyo in 1986, Br Nicholas Thelen had already been in Japan for fifteen years!  He too has requested to discontinue his ministry here after 40 years and has returned to Saint John’s where he also is receiving age-related medical attention.

Br Nicholas is a skilled calligrapher, accomplished woodworker, and avid photographer.  While at Saint Anselm’s parish priory he taught Bible classes in the kindergarten and English language to both children and adults.  And all that in his spare time!  Br Nicholas was responsible for the physical plant operations at both Meguro Church and in Fujimi, making sure everything worked properly from the heating mechanisms to the sound systems.  He recorded weddings, lectures, and STAIFA events.  He set up and dismantled countless rooms for parish activities and saw to it that everything was as it should be.  He did much of the purchasing of supplies and groceries.  He also did the cooking, baking, and barbering for the monks for many years.

And through it all, Br Nicholas listened and learned and opened his heart to those in need.  He was a blessing to many who continue to be life-long friends with whom he keeps in touch and who, as a consequence, are dedicated to the monastery and the work of all the monks. 

We are profoundly grateful to Fr Kieran and Br Nicholas for their examples of commitment and service to the monastery and for demonstrating to the people of Japan the hospitality and ministries of Trinity Benedictine Monastery.  We continue to remember them in our prayers along with our many friends who help us so very much along the way.




Father Neal Lawrence OSB

Roman Paur OSB, Prior


People who were touched by Father Neal would likely describe him as a gentle and thoughtful man of faith who cared deeply about humanity and who noticed things that many of us might miss: like the beauty of a fall leaf floating on the rippling water or a way of being helpful, one person at a time.

            Father Neal was both simple and complex, driven by his ambitions and talents, accompanied by remarkable achievement and lofty recognition.

            The subject of this biography created a circuitous path strewn with the amazing detail of his destiny that is recorded in documents around the world.  Several months before he died, Father Neal invited me to tidy up his monastery desk a bit while he was away for a few days but when he returned he commented that he could no longer find things.  I had been impressed with his memory for details and how quickly and accurately he would point to a piece of paper from one of many piles to reference something.  In the months following his death, I was privileged to pack up his books, papers, and memorabilia, all of which were stored in many boxes in a nearby archive.  When the job was finally done, I remember thinking how challenging it would be to discover our confrere in these boxes, for among all his talents, order was the lesser known.

            But the author did it, and he did it well.  Robert Morton patiently poured through endless documents, newspaper clippings, and letters, and he pieced together an account, not always flattering, of the spunky and charming man with an inviting smile whose reach was high, whose compassion was deep, and whose energy was boundless throughout a very long life dedicated to international understanding and peace.

The title of this book aptly organizes Father Neal’s intriguing life phases and connects the dots of a personal journey that was rewarding for him and a blessing to countless others, including his fellow monks.           With his knack for getting people involved, walking along side of them, and making a lasting difference in their lives, Father Neal fit well into the adage about the fortune of paths crossing.

            Although Father Neal was a man of God, he was particularly inspiring in his humanity.  He had his doubts; he lived with relational frustrations; his humility could be shaded by his pride; and at times he savored feasting on acknowledgement, especially in his later years.  But his enriching faith anchored him in Gospel values that above all shaped his yearning for building community and engendering hope.  Father Neal was an independent thinker and an imaginative doer.  He would say that the beauty of God’s creation is to be appreciated and our challenge is to make it better.

            Father Neal’s legacy is indeed an awesome and striking testimony of what one courageous person who cares can do.  We are grateful to Robert for telling Father Neal’s story, and more.

            On a broader note, readers may be interested to know more about the Benedictine Order and religious community of Trinity Benedictine Monastery in Fujimi, Nagano-ken, that that Father Neal dedicated himself to in the second half of his life.  The monks live their lives according to the 1500–year tradition of Benedictine men and women.  Their daily life is based on the teachings of Saint Benedict who lived in Nursia, Italy, in the sixth century and wrote a “little Rule for beginners” in the monastic life.  This Rule of Benedict focuses on the importance of three things in shaping community values: living together, praying together, and working together.

            The Benedictine monastic tradition puts a strong emphasis on community life in a particular place, regular common prayer, productive work, and generous hospitality toward guests—who are to be received as Christ.  It is through the help of many brothers and with the guidance of an abbot that the monks witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their daily lives.  At fixed hours of the day the community gathers in the chapel for Eucharist and to pray the Liturgy of the Hours.  Saint Benedict called prayer—praise of God for the blessings of life—the work of God. 

            The community’s common prayer benefits from a rich legacy of resources from the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, early Church writings, sacred hymns, and devotional meditations.  The Book of Psalms anchors prayer in the emotions of the human heart and the wisdom of divine inspiration.  Prayer places the monk and all believers in the presence of God through fellow human beings, sacred space, art, words, music, and silent reflection.   Monks also spend time in personal prayer and private study to nourish their spiritual journey.

            From the earliest days monasteries have welcomed guests.  At Trinity Benedictine Monastery everyone is welcome—people of all faith traditions, men and women, both Japanese and foreign-born—to a place of spiritual renewal and physical rest.  Each year many men and women come to Trinity Benedictine Monastery for a retreat of one or more days.  Others come for brief visits to join the monks for Mass or prayer.  Pilgrims and tour groups also come for a glimpse of the monastery. 

            Saint Benedict believed that monks should live by the labor of their hands.  For a monk, work is a necessary and creative service that sustains the community and builds the Kingdom of God.  Using the talents of its monks, Trinity Benedictine Monastery welcomes guests and offers spiritual direction and guidance.   The monks participate in the larger mission of the Church through ministries in regional parishes, schools, and religious houses.  They also serve the Church through the publication of books and a periodic newsletter.  On the monastery website the monks provide a program of adult education in scriptural studies along with weekly meditations from the Bible and the Rule of Benedict.  Monks contribute to the daily care of the monastery buildings, lawn, and gardens.  They prepare and serve meals to their brothers and to the guests.   Monks receive requests for retreats and for prayer.  They also attend to the administrative requirements of the house.  The monks benefit from the wisdom of an external Advisory Board and are blessed by the support of friends near and far.

            The life of prayer and work of a Benedictine monastery challenges the monks in their attention to one another and to the tasks of monastic living.  Saint Benedict’s Rule teaches that the monks should each try to be the first to show respect to the other, supporting one another with the greatest patience.   Daily Schedule: 6:30 Office of Readings, 7:00 Breakfast, 8:00 Morning Prayer, 12:00 Mass, 12:45 Lunch, 13:30 Midday Prayer, 18:00   Evening Prayer, 18:45 Dinner, 20:00 Night Prayer.

            The paths that people take on their search for meaning are many.  Among these paths is a legacy of monastic traditions.  At the heart of the Trinity Benedictine Monastery tradition is seeking God with the help of many brethren. This monastery in Fujimi, Nagano-ken, is a new place built on old values that challenge the monks to be witnesses of the Gospel in their ordinary daily living and in their commitment of faith.

            The monks of Trinity Benedictine Monastery are honored by inquiries to discern interest in becoming members of the community.  Anyone who feels inspired to live out the Gospel in the monastic life is welcome.  When a man wishes to enter the community he passes through a number of stages designed to allow him to learn the life and to discern if it is right for him.  It is only after some years of living in the community that a candidate makes a formal commitment to live as a Benedictine monk by professing life-long vows of obedience, stability in the community, and ongoing conversion of life.  

            There are also opportunities at Trinity Benedictine Monastery for a shorter-term commitment to the monastic life as a Benedictine Associate Resident for those who feel they might benefit from an extended spiritual experience in a monastic setting.  In addition, dozens of men and women have a special relationship with Trinity Benedictine Monastery as oblates.  Oblates are friends of the monastery who embrace the spirit of the Rule of Benedict as their own life circumstances permit.  From time to time they gather as a group to pray and learn together.



Community Conference, October, 2012, Roman Paur

ローマン パワー、共同体コンファレンス,2012年10月

Working together in the Benedictine community



Work is good.  Work is necessary.  Work is important.  Work motivates life.

Monastic priorities and community living can be a struggle of importance and balance.







Our last conference was about living together.  This conference is about working together.



I understand that the Japanese kanji from the Chinese for the word “work” may suggest activity that is demeaning and done by maybe “lower class” people.  Nonetheless imbedded deep in the Japanese history, tradition, and culture is a very strong work ethic. The Japanese typically work very hard, very long, and very well.  And they do it together.  Japanese-made products and services are known worldwide, especially after World War II, as being highly reliable, durable, and innovative.  The work place today in Japan is often surrounded by internal practices that alert the workers to human needs for maintaining stamina, concentration, and commitment.  Workers frequently are encouraged, if not required, to participate in physical and mental group exercises to combat boredom, tedium, and distraction. Parents of young children often are provided convenient daycare to reduce preoccupying worry and to improve focus.  The goal of all of this is to increase and achieve the highest production standards in a carefully calculated and structured work environment.  Much of this is in the interest of a consumer society – the GDP – and material goods that can obsessively drive the Japanese and world economies.  But it comes at a very high price.  As many Japanese workers are “married” to the company (they eat and drink and talk and sleep company business) it can be at the expense of reasonable balance, personal and family values and the pressure may contribute significantly to a high marital failure, depression, and suicide.

中国から伝わった漢字で、日本語の「労働」という言葉は、低い階級の人々による、あまり価値の無い活動を示しているかもしれません。しかしながら、日本においては、その歴史、伝統、そして文化に深く根ざして、労働は非常に重要な価値あるものと見なされています。日本人は特に、一生懸命、長い時間、良い仕事をします。そして、彼らは一緒に働きます。日本の製品とサービスは、特に第2次世界大戦の後、信用でき、長続きし、進取の気性に富んでいるものとして世界的に知られています。今日の日本の職場には、働く人々が、スタミナ、集中力、責務の遂行を続けるために必要な人的力に気を配るように、社内での訓練の場が、しばしば、用意されています。労働者は、退屈,倦怠、注意散漫と闘うために、義務ではなくとも、身体的頭脳的訓練に参加するように勧められます。幼い子ども達の両親は、子どもの心配から自由になって仕事に集中できるように、便利な保育施設を利用することが出来ます。これら全ての目的は、詳細に計画され作られた職場環境の中で、最高の生産基準を達成するためのものです。このほとんどは、消費社会、GDP、日本と世界の経済を否応無しに引っ張っている物質偏重のためのものです。 しかし、この為に,大きな犠牲が払われています。多くの日本の労働者は会社と「結婚している」ため、(彼らは会社の事業のために食べ、飲み、話し、眠り)、個人と家族の価値との調和が奪われ、そこからくる重圧が、離婚、心身的病気、自殺を増やす原因ともなっています。


The workplace in the Japanese culture also favors consensus-building in leadership decision-making, seeking a collective-wisdom in a slower process of discover, ingestion, and surfacing to build company-wide leadership support.  But there is a “right” way of doing things and the workers need to discover this quickly and comply.  Japanese workers are rewarded for conformity, with notable exceptions, for doing what they are told and being reliable, not so much for being innovative or imaginative.  Innovation can be typically discouraged and even punished in a “top-down” culture of authority, order, and assumption.



There is much about Benedictine values, structure, and expectations surrounding work that may be appealing to the Japanese mentality.  For example, the Rule emphasizes the importance of showing up on time, working responsibly, being accountable for doing correctly what the superior requires, etc.  However, the Benedictine tradition prizes new ideas and opinions from younger members.  Innovation is encouraged even in a culture of conformity where individuals can be admonished “to know their place”.  But, in contrast to the work ethic in Japan, the monks of Trinity Benedictine Monastery do not have a strong tradition of work.  Both in Meguro and in Fujimi, the culture as a Benedictine community may heavily tilt more toward leisure with only periodic forays of concentrated work on the initiative and incentive of individual men.  Our forerunners have indeed accomplished a lot in establishing a foundation and building a parish community.  But we are the inheritors of a much lighter systematic work tradition than is seen elsewhere in Japan, and we may be less accustomed to putting in a “good days work”.  Although some may argue this conclusion, our history speaks for itself.



So what is work, mental and manual?  Work for the Benedictine is about supporting the monastery, personal development, and service.  Work is about livelihood and ministry.  Work is about creativity and production.  Work is concentrated activity that engages a person to accomplish a task.  It expends a good deal of energy and can burn a lot of calories to get something done.  Work can be on-going such as studying for new knowledge or practicing for developing a skill, or providing a service.  It can also be circumstantial as in shoveling snow or cooking or mowing the lawn.  Often times work is just drudgery and requires the commitment toward a bigger goal to get it done.



Benedict urges his monks and the community to strive for balance.  Clearly Benedict understands that work is important.  Work is good.  Work is necessary.  Work motivates life.  According to reliable commentaries, Benedict calculates about six hours of solid work each day and about three hours of community prayer, and maybe three hours of lectio. Regional customs and present-day technology and practices moderate this formula considerably.  What is important, however, for the health of the community and individual monks is to strive for the kind of work that provides an incentive “to get up in the morning” and be passionate about engaging ourselves in activity that we love to do in the service of the community and in the ministry of humanity and the Church, as voiced by the superior.



Unlike some other earlier religious groups Benedict expected his monastery to be self-supporting and not relying on donations: “real monks” live by the labor of their hands.  There is evidence from the Rule itself apparently that Benedict’s own start-up community was rather poor and the monks worked hard to support themselves instead of relying on tenants to do the daily chores or sweat in the fields. 



We are a small community of men with a variety of interests and skills at various stages of learning and development.  Some are handier with some kinds of work than others.  Some like to write, others like to cook; some appreciate gardening, others enjoy studying.  Some can fix things or make them and others can use things or rely on them.  And then there are things that need to be done that no one likes to do.  So we have to all pitch in.  And we can be very grateful, each of us, to all of the monks for striving to do our part in showing our love and pride for our place, the buildings and grounds, by keeping things running smoothly and cultivating beauty; for being a community of faith and doing our best in praising God and praying for all peoples; for studying and learning in special ministries of the monastery such as retreats and workshops, pastoral work, and receiving guests; and for our proper attention to one another in support on our path of salvation, building up one another and showing off the Gospel. 
